Solnedgang og soloppgang!

Disse bildene ble tatt av mannen da han var ombord på båten der han jobber. Jeg spurte han om han kunne ta bilder av vakre soloppganger og solnedganger. Og resultatet var ikke så verst, selv han bare brukte en I-phone. 

It is easy to procrastinate 

and leave good deeds undone,

But such a course will bring regrets

When life’s shorts race is run! – Anon

Nothing can be accomplished until we take the first step.

No darkness have we who Jesus abide-

The light of the world is Jesus;

We walk in the light when we follow our Guide-

The light of th world is Jesus – Bliss

God wanted us to walk in the light of His Son,

Not stumble in the darkness of the world.

There is a certainty of love

That sets my  heart at rest,

A calm assurance for today

That what God does is best. Anon

Jeg liker blomster og tar bilder av dem uansett hvor jeg er.  Å se på dem gjør dagene mine fargerike.

Bildene er litt uklare pga at jeg bare brukte telefonen min, likevel synes jeg at de er vakre. Hva synes de?

God can bring showers of blessing

out of storms of adversity.

I will not seek to know future years,

Nor cloud today with dark tomorrow’s fears;

Instead I ask clear light from heaven to show

How step by step my pilgrimage should go. – Anon

We can trust our all – knowing God

for the unknown future

Core values are no value

Unless they reflect God’s values

 No one is hopeless 

who knows the God of hope!

      Ønsker alle sammen  fargerike dager!


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