With enormous informations we acquire daily that we have to chew and understand, different ways to gain satisfaction and happiness, we can be easily tricked by the enemy. Then when we became aware of it, we already gone a long way…..
Father God, help us not to be deceieved by the smooth talk and flattery of people that leads to our destruction. Help us to discern what lies behind their persuading. Let us be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil.
Reveal to us the truth and the mystery of your words so that we will not fall to the prey of the enemy…
God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19
Father, you said that you are not a man that you should lie. You promise and you fulfills.
God, many times, we get tired of waiting for your promised answers. Sometimes we doubt. But thank you for the reminder that you do what you promised.
You said that if we believed, we and households will be saved. You promised to forgive our sins and heals all our diseases. That if we obey and believe, we will lack no good thing.
Thank you for your promises. There is no God like you. Your promises are the best promises we could ever get.
You keep your love to us who wholeheartedly comtinue in your way. As you fulfill your promises, let us do ours. To aspire to be like you in thoughts and in deed.
I don’t know if it is my age that gave me a reason to think of my legacy. What I could leave to my descendants? I am not rich. I am not a famous person either. But I am what God created me to be and that is what matters the most.
I told my youngest daughter of mine that I don’t have riches that she can inherit from me, but I have boxes of prayer journals and my diaries. Those things are my treasure. I do hope that she one day will appreciate those words from me.
Anyway, how about what my descendants? It is the desire of my heart that I can leave them a legacy. A life that is lived in obedience to God. So that I can inspire them too to put their faith in God.
I believe that most of us like to leave a legacy to our descendants that they can be proud of. But to make it possible, we need help from above.
Father God, let us put aside our own agenda for your greater plan. You said in your words that no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagine what you prepared for those who love you.
1 Corinthians 2:9
So if we want to see great things to happen in our lives that we couldn’t imagine, a legacy to leave behind, then we ought to love God and obey him.
Thank you Oh God for your word is near us. It is in our mouth and our heart. We just need to confess it and believe that it will come to pass. Thank you that everyone who put their trust in you will never be put to shame.