Like Jesus?

Like Jesus?

It is still dark Father, and I have awakened early…. from an almost sleepless night…again.  But, still Oh God, I am thankful that You had given me a new day to live. Thank You for the darkness around me and in my life so that I can appreciate the light that is in You that makes my world a little brighter and better.

As I opened the door in my bedroom, it reminds me that although some doors in my life had been closed….but still you have other doors for me to open.

And when I washed my face and look at the mirror…I see Your Creation, Lord. I have two eyes to see and nose to smell and a mouth to talk. You created me in your likeness.

I brushed my teeth and it reminded me of what You had done in my life. Cleansed me so white as snow.

Now, I am writing to you my thoughts and my mind wandered back in your written words. Thinking of the heroes in the bible. Am I like one of those? Suddenly, I wish I can be like Adam who saw You with his own eyes. Well, I thank You that one day, I can see you with my own eyes when I close my eyes here on earth forever.

I pray that I can be like Abel who carefully chose the best thing to offer to you which you really approved. Tell me Lord what can I offer to You that will make You smile. Help me to have an obedient heart like Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his beloved and only Son when You asked him to.

Well, I know I am like Jacob who although made a lot of mistakes, still, You forgiven him and were with him and made him successful. I made a lot of mistakes too, but you had forgiven me and had given me a new life. I am forever thankful.

I thank you that like Joseph who has the heart to forgive after he had been treated unfairly with his brothers, you helped me too to forgive those who mistreated me. Who made my life almost unbearable to live. For although I met terrible people, they were many good ones too. Reminds me that Your eyes were on me.

 You had given Joseph wisdom to interpret dreams. Lord help me to interpret bad dreams that hunt me night after night. Every time I manage to sleep, then bad dreams would follow. What were those dreams meant to be Father?

 How about Moses Lord whom you used mightily to save the Israelites from slavery although he was not a fluent speaker and had been afraid. I supposed there is hope for me who strive in my everyday life.

Whisper always in my ears Lord to be strong and courageous and be not afraid like Joshua. Joshua who obeyed to march around the walls of Jericho silently together with his men. And the walls of Jericho collapsed on the seventh day when the priests played their trumpets, and the army shouts all the way around Jericho seven times. People maybe have laughed at them, ridiculed them and I believed maybe some of them thought that Joshua was crazy. Not to mention their exhaustion on the seventh day because not only they would walk seven times around, but with shouting and blowing of the trumpets. Jericho was 40,000 square meters according to archeological findings. It is 1,6 kilometers times seven. It is more than 11 kilometers. Lord, I prayed that I too would not give up like them no matter how long I need to be silent to hear from you or to shout praises no matter I don’t see You my prayers remained unanswered. Help me to be obedient although my strength is almost gone. To still walk an extra mile.

God, Gideon was, in the beginning, a reluctant warrior but overcame his doubt to answer Your call. Remove every doubt in me, Lord so that I can be victorious in my battles. For there are battles to be won… every day. Be my shield Oh God because the arrows of the enemies keep launching on me.

 Lord, Ruth had been faithful to her mother-in-law no matter what the hardships were. I pray Lord that I will be a faithful woman in whatever you entrusted me. Faithful to You Oh God no matter how hard life is.

Let me also hear Your voice when You call as Samuel heard you when you called him to be a prophet. Thank You that You still have a plan for me.

How wonderful it is Lord to be called a woman of your own heart Lord like King David who was a man of your own heart although he was not perfect. I am sure have a long way to be perfect. But thank You that Your ears hear the cry of my heart.

Thank you for sending me loyal friends like Jonathan to David. Family too to love and be loved.

 Give me wisdom Father like Solomon who realized that the only one thing that was important was to fear You and obey Your commandments.

Thank You for the reminder through the prophet Isaiah that though my sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool. Like You said to him that he should not fear, for You are with him and that he should not be dismayed because You are his God, and you will strengthen and help him. You will uphold him with your righteous hands. I claimed those promises too Lord for me and my loved ones.

I pray that I can be like Jeremiah who was a preaching prophet. Unafraid to tell the truth to people although it hurts.

 Lord, I pray too that I can be like Ezekiel and Daniel who although had been taken captive but had remained loyal to you. Whatever hardships Lord that I might be facing, I pray that I will always be Your loving and faithful daughter. No matter what the enemy does to me like Job.

I hope too that I can be like Hosea the prophet whom you used to portray a message of repentance to Your people.

Lord, through Zechariah, you revealed to your people future deliverance through the Messiah. May I reveal you to people with my words…actions…with my life. Malachi’s name means messenger, let me be a messenger of the good news too Lord. Like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John who proclaimed Jesus, who is the way the truth and the life.

I pray that like Paul, no matter what I am experiencing, your grace will be enough for me.

I could not ever do what Jesus had done Father. He was and is a Healer, a Savior, and a Redeemer. He walked on water, he awakens a dead man, he was bold and fearless. He obeyed unto death.

But Father, likewise and most of all, help me to be like Jesus whose love never fails. Who was humble, merciful, and forgiving. Help me to be the woman you want me to be. A woman of your own heart. I pray Lord that we, your children will be people of your own heart. Where every heartbeat beat for you. I pray in Jesus’ name.

Picture borrowed from a friend.

Gårdagens lykke

I går var sola på besøk og bidro til livsglede. Jeg ble oppmuntret til å gå tur. Så etter å ha tilbrakt halve dagen liggende i hagestuen for å få sove litt, ( søvnløs natt) ga jeg opp. Ole Lukkøye var på ferie tror jeg.

Tok med meg gåstavene mine som støtte fordi topplokken min er ikke i væter.

Men gårsdagens lykke var oppnådd.

Noen bilder under gåturen. Høsten er i anmarsj.

Da jeg lå i sengen i natt, hørte jeg regnet…og akkurat nå er det overskyet. Vel…takk Gud for både regn og sol.

Avslutter med dagens sitat:

Ha en fin dag til deg:)

De grå hårene

Ordspråkene 20 :29 Styrke er en pryd for de unge, grå hår er en ære for de gamle
Mine tanker:
Jeg skammer meg nesten fordi ærlig talt, jeg liker ikke de grå hårene som pryder hodet mitt. Og jeg skjuler det på grunn av det viser at jeg begynner å bli gammel og med grått hår ser jeg jo veldig gammel ut. Men….i bibelen står det at det er en ære.
Når jeg tenker meg om så er det egentlig fint at man blir gamle…for det betyr at man lever lenger og ikke døde for tidlig. Får oppleve mer om hva har livet å by på. I tillegg får man se hvordan etterkommere har det. Kanskje gi dem litt støtte hvis det trengs eller glede meg for deres vegne hvis de lykkes.

Vel, jeg skulle tro at nærværet mitt er fortsatt ønsket av mine nærmeste selv om toppen er grå:)
Så, ja. Takk Fader Gud for grå de hårene selv om jeg farger dem for skjønnheten sin skyld. En påminnelse at jeg fortsatt lever. I hvertfall, jeg bidrar til mer salg av hårfarger🥰

Farger du de grå hårene når de dukker opp?

Better late than never!

Hei og hå og god dag. Lenge siden jeg har blogget. Jeg har ligget i dvale i de siste  på grunn av hjernen var ubrukelig og verden gikk rundt og kraften er på null nivå. I dag prøver jeg å skrive noen ord og legger ut noen bilder fra siste feriedagen vår. 

Bildene er fra Ålesund by. Jeg glemte navnet på stedet. Vi kjørte til en topp og så Ålesund by fra fugleperspektiv. Været var nydelig den dagen. Og etter den dagen dro vi hjem for verden min gikk rundt. 

Har vært på mange undersøkelser og legene kunne ikke bestemme ennå om det er fibromyalgi, ME eller MS som er min diagnose ut fra symptomene. Imens må jeg vente og kanskje jeg blir bedre etterhvert. Jeg kunne skrive litt nå og det betyr at hjernen min fungere litt, selv om denne skrivingen får meg til å skjelve av utmattelsen etterpå. Men, jeg må ha et liv enn å bare ligge hele dagen. Så, det er verdt strevet. 

Jeg lar bildene tale og ønsker deg en nydelig dag. Håper det går bra med deg!

If you are suffering


If you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you.

Words to ponder from the verse:


Word suffering made me think of my life because I am suffering from a chronic illness that has no medicine. I can take the medicines to ease the pain or to make me sleep due to sleep problems, but it is not advisable to take these medicines regularly because of side effects. Everything drives exhaustion to my already worn-out body.  I suffer not only physical pain but mental, emotional, and heartache because of the loss of loved ones. Not to mention that in this period, I could not do anymore what I used to love doing like working with the elderly, writing, handcrafting, or mountain hiking. I could not even say that I am suffering in a manner that pleases God. Because I am not out there sharing the good news. And I am not persecuted either. And I just do hope that my attempt to share the good news through media reached someone. Nowadays with the concentration problem. I strive to understand written words. Writing this had taken a lot of effort and time from my side. But I am thankful that I can still write although it takes time.

 I am thankful though that I can still have online Bible studies in the best way I can do and give support to people that I can help. But it is still making me sad not to be able to do what I used to do. Maybe God wants me to rest for a while and I just have to wait for His next plan for my life. Anyway, there are also many lessons to learn while waiting.

Doing right: Am I doing right? Honestly speaking, I could not tell. I am not harming anyone though. Could not harm anyone when I am just staying at home every day and with minimal interaction with people. But still, I need to be very careful because I can also harm myself and others if I will not inline my thoughts in God’s living word. And I need also to be careful with my words when interacting with family and friends online.

Trust: I do still trust in God that He has still a plan for my life. Plan to prosper me and give me hope. I believe that everything works together for good for those who love God. And I do believe that I love God. Thankful for everything that He had done in my life and still doing.

Created: This word reminds me of everything that God had created. Wonderful, colorful, and amazing things. And He made me too. And since God had created me to do good works, I need to be obedient. Strive always to be a good mother, wife, sister, friend, be a law-abiding citizen and be the obedient daughter of God no matter what. I believe that although I am not being productive lately, my still being alive is a joy for my loved ones.

Never fails: I am very thankful though that although in this world I am going to have troubles, but Jesus said He overcomes the world and since He is in me then I can face the future knowing that everything will be alright in God’s perfect time.

Prayer: Dear God, I thank You that through Your suffering, we had been given a chance to a new life with You here and forever. Cleansed and purified. Let us not forget how You had suffered for us every time we are suffering because we could never surpass how You suffered for us. I thank You for Your words that guide us in our everyday lives. To be reminded that everything happens for a reason.

Thank You for Your magnificent creations, Lord. The mountains, the hills, the plateaus, the valleys, the plains with their unique formations and colors. I thank You for the seas, the rivers, the falls, and for the skies that change colors and formations minute by minute. Your hand paintings Oh God. Thank you for the birds, the fish, the insects, and all the animals that walk on lands both tame and wild.

I thank you for all seasons; spring, summer, fall, and winter. For vibrant colors of the seasons. I thank You for the changed lives of different people because of Your sacrificial love. For my life. Your love is so deep, so wide….unmeasurable…unfathomable. Thank You for Your Word that is alive and active. Healing for our body and soul.

Thank You for showing us the way, the truth, and the light.

You are our shield and a strong fortress. With You in our lives….the end will be indescribable beauty and victory and the beginning of life spend in eternity with You. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

Wishing you a beautiful day!