Det var snø og det var første gangen jeg var i Oslo på denne tiden av året. Det var i 2019. Jeg skulle på en konferanse og benytte tiden til å besøke min datter som bor der. Og hun tok moren med til julemarkedet i Oslo. Så koselig.
Nå, vet jeg ikke om det er julemarked i Oslo på grunn av pandemien. Ettersom jeg blogget ikke på denne tiden i fjør, kunne jeg dele det nå:)
It was snowing and it was the first time I was in Oslo at this time of year. That was in 2019. I was going to a conference and used the time to visit my daughter-in-law who lives there. And she took her mother to the Christmas market in Oslo. So cozy. Now, I do not know if there is a Christmas market in Oslo due to the pandemic. Since I did not blog at this time last year, I could share it now 🙂
Har bare lyst til å dele dette innlegget som jeg hadde skrevet i min engelske blogg om julen!
Christmas time is around the corner. One can feel it, smell it and taste this time of the year. Some are happy, others are sad. Some are wishing, others not. What kind of feelings this season brings to you? To me?
As I ponder about it I could not help to think what these two words means to me. And since this is all about Jesus, the place I can find answer is from the word of God.
So come along and ponder with me:)
M: Mercy
E- Eternal life
R- Ransom
R- Refuge
Y- Yoke
C- Christ
H- Happiness
R- Redemption
I- Immanuel
S- Salvation
T- Thankfulness
M- Magi
A- Awesome
S- Satisfaction
So for me Merry Christmas means:
M- Mercy
E- Eternal life
R- Ransom
R- Refuge
Y- Yoke
C- Christ
H- Happiness
R- Redemption
I- Immanuel
S- Salvation
M- Magi
A- Awesome
S- Satisfaction
So I wish everybody Merry Christmas and may you find joy in celebrating Jesus birthday. And remember he is the greatest gift of