God morgen til deg!
Jeg deler på engelsk hva jeg har lært fra Guds ord i dag. Håper det vil inspirere noen som den har inspirert meg.
Let your light shine!
Phil. 2:15-16
that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
1. Lessons:
· Shine as light to the world
· Hold firmly to the word of God.
2. My thoughts
God imparted that we should shine as light to the world while we hold firmly to the word of life. We hold firmly to the Word of God so that we will know that it is God who shines through us and not us.
That it is God good deeds that sparkling through us.
It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit that should be seen in us: Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Lights dont try to shine, they just are. And if we have Jesus in us.we just shine. His light changes us. He brings spiritual light into our lives if we are connected to Him and His Word abides in us.
We that have Gods light in us are to shine in a way that those around us will see the light and will be drawn to its source which is God.
3. Prayer for everyone
Dear God, I thank You because we can be your light-bearers. You are our source of light therefore we will not run out of energy. Do not let us doubt that your light in us is not bright enough to make a difference. Because your light changes our world. Our perspectives. As we let your light shines through us, we attract those who are in darkness into light. Thank you for filling all the cracks of our being as we share Your Word of life to others.
Let the fruit of the Holy Spirit be seen in us. Your kind of love. The unexplainable joy, peace that passes all understanding, forbearance beyond imagination, kindness and goodness to both lovable and unlovable. Let us be faithful as You are. Be gentle to one another and to be able to control ourselves during temptations. Let our hearts always be grateful and let thankfulness be our everyday words. Thank for giving us a new life that shines into this dark world. An aroma of Christ. A tree that bears fruit. Salt of light on earth. You call us the righteous ones not because of what we did or doing, but because of what You did for us. As your light Lord in this world, let us shine brightly for Your glory. Amen