Hvorfor kom du tilbake?

Jeg vil ikke ha mer snø…i hvert fall i år, men du kom tilbake i dag:(

Heldigvis smeltet du i løpet av dagen…

Men det gjenstår å se i morgen….






Be thankful!



Solnedganger er alltid fascinerende. Jeg blir alltid tiltrukket av de fine farge nyansene. Aldri den samme.

Hva synes dere?

Har skrevet sitater innimellom bildene!

En god taler holder ikke mål med en god lyter.

Kinesisk ordspråk

Sanne ord er ikke vakre, vakre ord er ikke sanne.

Lao Tse

Taler du sannhet, blir selv din venn sint på deg.

Indisk ordspråk

Det som går ut av din munn, går inn i andres ører.

Kinesisk ordspråk

Torden uten regn er som ord uten handling.

Ordspråk fra Burma

Det er bedre å lytte godt en å tale godt, 

og bedre å handle godt enn å lytte godt.

Kinesisk ordspråk

Ord er ikke noe annet enn bobler i vannet,

men gjerninger er dråper av gull.

Kinesisk ordspråk

Ha det så lenge:)


Gale foreldre!

These 20 Cute Kids Were So Unlucky With Such Worst Parents.

My Goodness! Are They Even Parents?

#1. If not guided accordingly, this kids would be sharpshooters at a very young age.

Babies Taught How To Use A Gun 

#2. Who would have let this kid be in here?

Baby Bathing In The Toilet Bowl

#3. How he was able to get there makes me wonder.

Baby Climbing On The Fridge 

#4. This is meant for frat guys but not for this baby.

Baby Fed With A Beer

5. What comes into this child?s parents mind to tape him into the wall?

Baby Hung On The Wall With Duct Tape

#6. Don?t leave your kids unattended by a fridge#? or even a microwave, so they don?t lock themselves in.

Baby In A Microwave


#7. This clearly isn?t a nice treat for your child?s first birthday.

Baby Introduced To An Adult Drink

#8. All that?s in it looks delicious except for this little girl. Oh, my gosh!


Baby Placed On a Platter

#9. Any person of any age who sees this 

 surely scream and shout. How much more this baby?

Baby Sits On A Skeleton

                                                                                      #10. Thank God, this baby hasn?t yet developed the fear of snakes.

Baby Sleeping With A Snake


#11. Oh, Big Mama! Don?t you realize how squeezed your little girl is?

Baby Squeezed In Her Mom's Bike


#12. Look how this daddy is having fun at his little boy playing with that ax (even if it?s just a faux-weapon).

Baby With An Ax

#15. This dad must be sending his son to a Hebrew School.

Kid Wearing A Swastika Shirt 

#16. And how daring this lingerie-mother is to take a selfie photo with her baby girl?

Mom In Two-Piece Takes Selfie With Daughter 

#17. I?m guessing this mom must have be a frustrated pole dancer.

Mom Making Her Baby A Pole Dancer

#18. I know this pudgy face is somewhat funny and cute, if only it doesn?t hurt.

Parent Makes Baby Face Pudgy 

#19. These parents are too adventurous not thinking of the worst thing that could happen.

Parents Throwing Their Baby


#20. This little girl?s parents are such great fools.

Smoking BabySource

Hva synes dere om foreldrene? Gale foreldre eller det var bare artig?


Strength and courage!

We all can do it!



Blomster til deg!


                                                                                                                        Flowers for you all!





Father God…I pray that we will always love each

 other as you loved us. 

To forgive because we too were forgiven.


Be an encourager to all we meet in our lives.

Be faithful in all circumstances to you and to our loved ones.

I pray that we will be bold enough to proclaim the truth from your words.

To be obedient to your will. 

To show respect to you and to others as well.

Let us be joyful in good times and 

hard times

 because you are with us.

Make your peace saturate our souls

 when trouble comes.

Be thankful for everything. 

Be an inspiration.

Show your beauty through us.


Be kind to  one another.

I pray in Jesus name.


Divine love!

The mark…of God…in us

Father God…I pray that we will always love each other as you loved us. 

To forgive because we too were forgiven.

Be an encourager to all we meet in our lives.

Be faithful in all circumstances to you and to our loved ones.

I pray that we will be bold enough to proclaim the truth from your words.

To be obedient to your will. 

To show respect to you and to others as well.

Let us be joyful in good times and hard times because you are with us.

Make your peace saturate our souls when trouble comes.

I pray in Jesus name.


Amazing Photography!





























Miki Asai


long way




Jeg fant disse bildene fra en webside og bildene er virkelig fantastiske. Linken finner dere nederst. 




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