En god og skinnende dag til deg. I dag skinner solen hos meg og det gjorde også i går.
Jeg har tenkt å jobbe frivillig for de eldre lenge men etter å ha sett at det var flere som hadde tenkt det samme, tenkte jeg å være med dem. Selv om jeg ikke kunne ta ansvaret, jeg kunne yte litt hjelp.
I går ble jeg med med disse flotte damer for å servere middag til de eldre.
Etter middagen ble det bingospill til stor glede for alle:) Jeg spurte om jeg kunne publisere bildene:)
På hjemmefronten har jeg begynt med nytt prosjekt. Dokken Ilvy. Oppskriften var på 56 sider…så det kommer til å ta kanskje like mange dager å hekle denne dokken eller mer ettersom oppskriften ser litt avansert ut. Oppskriften kan kjøpes på her
Hittil har jeg heklet hodet og litt av håret. Håper jeg har tid og krefter igjen i dag etter et møte. Det handler også om et frivillig arbeid som heter “Voksen skole.” Et tilbud for tidlig demente.
This verse tells me that Jesus was a storyteller. And when he tells stories, he tells them with a purpose. Jesus used illustrations when speaking to the crowds. A parable compares something familiar to something unfamiliar. I believe he did that to make us think and also to look at ourselves to see if the story has something to say about our lives or other people.
Parables make us listeners discover the truth, while at the same time hiding the truth from those too lazy or too stubborn to see it.
But to those who honestly search, the truth becomes clear and they bear fruit.
My life
I began to think that if God will make my life or your life as a story to tell, what would it be? I hope it will be a story titled “A woman or a man who overcame the world because he/she walked with Jesus.”
Well, it is up to us, I think.
Sow seed
It said also that a man went out to sow his seed. Maybe we think that we are not a farmer and we don’t have green hands and don’t like doing dirty work (working with soil) like me. But……
When I was a girl
I remember when I was a young girl, I used to go with my mother to plant rice seedlings on other farms to earn money so that we could buy food on the table. They paid us 2 pesos each for å whole day of work under the scorching heat of the sun. And since the rice should be planted in soft and muddy ground, were soaked in it the whole day long with leeches around who tried to suck blood from us. I hated it very much. My nails were always brown, and my skin was sunburned. I wish I could use the money I earned to buy nail colors, but we need food. I promised myself that when I leave that place, I will never, never plant rice again. And I hold that promise. But when I read this passage, I realized that although we are planting nothing in the ground, we are planting something every day with our lives to the people around us and to the world.
What do we sow?
We sow with our words, both the unsaid and what we had said. With gestures or mimics.
We plant with our deeds and so on. This passage encourages us to be spiritual sowers; to teach, preach and lead others to God.
Verse 8 said that the farmer sowed good seeds, but not all seeds sprouted, and even the plants that grew had varying yields. It tells me that I/you don’t need to be discouraged even if we don’t see results although we faithfully share the word of God. Belief can’t be forced. It is the work of God through the Holy Spirit to make a miracle change in one’s life. Our job is to seek God, pray, and share no matter if no one wants to listen. I do share God’s words and what I believe insights I received from God in social media although the response was microscopic in my own eyes. But only God knows. I only need to obey.
What kind of sower are we?
This passage talks about the farmer who sows the seeds. What kind of farmer I am or You? God has given us different types of gifts and talents and abilities. It is up to us how we should use those resources from God and develop them. I think God has not given us all that we want that we thought we should have because we could not handle them. And besides, he wants us to ask Him, be in His presence, and walk with Him hand and hand. And many times, that is the problem when we don’t put him first or just pray to Him when we need something. It should be give and take. We seek God’s presence because we want to be with Him. Give Him our time and attention. Thank and praise His name and then He will provide for all our needs.
It said in
As we seek His presence, we will be comforted, we will have peace and we will feel loved and our lacks will be met.
Those who have ears
In verse 9 it said that “those who have ears, let him hear. Everybody knows that everyone has ears. Have you seen someone who doesn’t have one? What was Jesus meant by these words?
We hear many sounds daily. Some of the noises we hear are painful to listen to. For me, I don’t like to listen to rock music and from people who curse and who think that their sentences are not complete if they don’t utter a curse word.
How about gossip? Most people have all their ears open when they hear gossip being told and we Christians are not exceptional. I think that if we hear gossip being told, we can just ignore it or pray for the person who gossips and the person who was the source of the gossip. And if we hear gossip about ourselves, we must be aware of whether the gossip is true and that maybe we need some changes in our lives. Well, maybe except if people are saying that we are crazy about God. For us believers, that kind of gossip is what we like people to say about us.
I believe that when Jesus said that those who have ears must listen means that we need to open our spiritual ears in order to gain spiritual understanding. To read His words and meditate on them daily. If we honestly seek God’s will, we will have spiritual understanding, and we will understand the parables.
The passage also talks about the different soil. In your opinion, what kind of things can hinder us from being a soil that produces a good crop?
Jeg har adri trodd i mitt liv at jeg skulle få en mulightet til å treffe kjendiser på arbeid. Men en herlid dag kom. Frivilighets sentral inviterte Stien Ingebrigtsen til å holde konsert på aktivitetsenteret. Og til alles glede, kom han, men ikke alene men med sønnen Christian. Den berømte unge mannen fra A1 band.
Sønnen Christian kom med for å hjelpe faren med lydsystemet. Da ble da enda mer stas:)
Stein Ingebrigtsen har vært berømt i sin i tid også. Han er pensjonist nå, men synger i ny og ne til glede for oss alle.
Det står i Wikipedia: Stein Ingebrigtsen (født 23. august1945 i Namsos) er en norsk vokalist, gitarist og låtskriver. Stein Ingebrigtsen har hatt suksess på seks språk: norsk, svensk, tysk, engelsk, italiensk og spansk. Han har plateutgivelser i Norge, Sverige, USA, Japan og Tyskland (under artistnavnet Stein Ingersen, på platemerket Telefunken). Han var nominert til Spellemannprisen tre år på rad i 1973-75.
På 70-tallet deltok han på alle (unntatt den første) utgivelsene av plateserien Treff. Treff-serien var ment som en motvekt for det utenlandske presset, med norske artister sine versjoner av internasjonale hits. Her medvirket også Inger Lise Rypdal, Gro Anita Schønn og Dag Spantell.
Og når kjendisene er på besøk, jeg må selvfølgelig ha et minne med dem. Og her er vi:)
Christian spurte meg hvilket land jeg kom fra. Og da jeg sa at jeg kom fra Filippinene, sa han at de hadde nettopp vært der og holdt konsert. Hyggelig å høre.
De kom en og halv time før konsert, derfor spurte jeg dem om de ville gjerne være med å spille bingo sammen med de eldre før konserten. Og alle sammen ble glad da de takket ja.
Og hva som var artigst var da Christian vant den første bingo premien. Det synes han var koselig selv om det var bare sjokolade som var premie.
Etter konserten ble jeg veldig rørt da han sa at det var hyggelig å hilse på meg og jeg er en dame med mye glede og energi som jeg smitter på andre. Jeg var jo rørt og takket han mye. Jeg sa at jeg skal gjemme det han hadde sagt i mitt hjerte. Jeg takket også han for at han ga sin dyrebare til til glede for de eldre. Det var for meg veldig rørende.
Han har sunget en sang på norsk og en sang på engelsk som han komponerte selv til publikums glede og slik at også faren kunne ta en liten pause fordi han sa at han begynner å bli gammel:)
Og autografen må jeg selvfølgelig ha fra Christian
og fra faren
Avslutter dette innlegget med denne blomster i vasen som jeg pyntet bordet med.