
God morgen til deg.

Håper du fikk sove godt i natt. Solen sover fortsatt her hos meg, men han kan fortsatt våkne etterpå.

I går kveld ble jeg endelig ferdig med lille prosjektet mitt. Gryteklut

Det tok tid for jeg skjønte hvordan jeg skulle hekle kanten. men til slutt fikk jeg det til

Hadde fanget en fin blomstermotiv da jeg var hos en venninne.

Forrige søndag da jeg hadde piknik og utendørsmøte med mine kristne venner.

Vi koset oss med mye mat etterpå. Deilig!

I et fin omgivelse:)

Så å være en kristen er ikke et kjedelig liv som noen påstår:)

Avslutter med dagens bønn på engelsk som du kan også be for deg selv hvis du har lyst:)

Thank You Oh God because you have a plan and purpose for my life.

Plan to prosper me and plan to give me hope and a future. ( Jeremiah 29:11)

I thank You that You will fulfill Your purpose for my life Lord.
Thank You that I can come to you anytime and You have time to listen to the longings of my heart.

Let there be praise and thanksgiving there.

Let there be love in there and desire to honor You Oh God.

I pray that my sense of fulfilment will come from You.

Lord, let me not see my possessions, but your provisions in order to help others.

With the strength that provide, I can do all things.

I pray that You will always be a part of my busy life.

Whatever I do and wherever I go Lord, I will be aware of Your presence and guidance.

Let me find fulfilment in following the life that You have outlined for me.

I thank You that whatever You had planned for me, it will be wonderful.

It will be right. It will be just as You created me to do.

Help me then Lord to listen as You speak and to follow the path that You lead me.

Let Your Word be my guide, my light, my food, my inspiration, my comfort and my life.

Let me always hunger for righteousness so that I will be filled.  

I pray in Jesus name. Amen