Ja, det var mye jeg hadde arvet fra min svigermor blant annet klær, sko, smykker og ting og tang. Og i dag brukte jeg noe som jeg hadde også arvet fra min svigermor. Oppskriften av hennes tv kake.
Reflection: I believe I could also claim that promise from God since I accepted Jesus Christ’s offer of forgiveness and eternal life. I am no longer a slave then, but a daughter. A daughter and an heir of God. And as the daughter and heir of God, I should act like one. The best good news one can receive. A special title.
Just it is not the case sometimes.
People like me who live in a free country will not think of us as slaves. But sadly, we can be slaves of our lustful desires and sin. Slaves of ungodly thoughts and deeds. Slaves of the things we own of material things. Slaves of our accomplishments. Slaves of people we idolized.
Prayer: God, open our eyes to the things that still enslaved us where You set us free. Do not let us hold on to the things that keep us bound. Sin and such. Do not let us be used of the things we own, accomplish, or idolize. But instead, use everything we have for Your glory. Not because we are Your slaves, but as Your children and heirs.
I could just imagine the vastness and the beauty of Your kingdom Oh God. But I do believe that it is more beautiful, colorful, and breathtaking than I could imagine as I look at Your amazing creations around me.
Thank You Jesus for Your sacrificial death on the cross so that we could live a life free from the kingdom of darkness. A freedom worth having, where no one can snatch us away from Your love. Amen
Gårdagens var en begivenhets dag fordi etter at jeg og Hr Happy hadde piknik ved vatnet og tent bål, kjørte vi til andre steder og så igjen denne Åsafossen.
Etterpå dro vi til et sted som heter Råkvåg. Nydelig vær. Og selv om jeg vil helst finne min firbente sofaen, prøvde jeg å holde ut for det er sjelden været er like vakker som i går.