
God morgen mine bloggvenner…

I dag blir det mye refleksjoner med både bilder og ord. 

Kos deg og ha en fin dag!


Regardless of Sunshine or Rain

Be thankful for another Great day

and treat Life as the ultimate Gift

because IT IS. 

Pablo Valle


Having a rough morning?

Place your hand over your heart…feel that?

That’s called purpose. 

You are alive for a reason; 

Don’t give up!


Please know this now:

Although you might be struggling right now,

some day you’ll look back and see how all you went through

changed your life for the better.

Karen Salmansohn

Eveyone wants to be the sun to brightens one’s life.

It is also good to be the moon

to brighten in darkest hours.

Karen Salmansohn


If someone is trying to bring you down,

it means they’re

already beneath you.

Karen Salmansohn

Do not judge yourself too harshly.

Without mercy for ourselves

we cannot love the world.


When faced with any kind of problem,

we can make it our excuse or make it part of a greater history.




On the road again

God morgen til deg! Har du sovet godt i natt? I dag vil jeg ta deg med på en kjøretur jeg og mannen min hatt en sommerstid.

Innimellom er inspirerende ” quotes” å ta med

A person who is appreaciated will always do more than what is expexted. 

Whisper of the heart

Sometimes you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn as a stronger, wiser you.

Karen Salmansohn

Love those who will love you when you have nothing to offer than your company

Karen Salmansohn

Happy people don’t hate

& people who walk around hating aren’t happy

Karen Salmansohn


God’s guidance is just available when choosing channels as when choosing careers.

Positive entertainment encourage positive thoughts

Let each man think himself an act of God, his mind a thought, his life a breath of God.

Philip James Bailey

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

The tv is my shepherd, my spiritual life shall want.

 It makes me sit down and do nothing for the cause of Christ.

It demanded my sparetime…

Surely comedy and commercials shall follow me all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in spiritual poverty forever.


Give me, kind heaven, a private station,

a mind serene for contemplation.

John Gay


God mandag morgen minne bloggvenner. Det er ikke sikkert noen har lagt merke til at jeg har vært fraværende i går, men av og til er trenger denne gamle kroppen hvile..så det ble det i går.

Men jeg måtte ut en liten tur sammen med mannen min for å friske opp hjernen. Det føltes som det var kortslutning oppi der og kaos at jeg klarte ikke å tenke fornuftig:)

Det hjelper litt faktisk å gjøre det også. For engang skyld holdt jeg hviledagen hellige.

Her er bildene i gå turen i går og quotes i mellom

Greet the day with gratitude…there is always something to be thankful for. 

Princess Saasy Pants & Co

Sometimes you have to hang on and trust that life’s storms are carrying you to a better pathways.

Princess Sassy Pants & Co.

Don’t lose hope….sometimes something needs to crack before something new can be born.

Princess Sassy Pants & Co.

Evey smile, every laugh, and every bit of kindness lets a little more light in the world.

Princess Sassy Pants & Co.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

Live each day as if your life had just begun.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Do not judge yourself too harsly. Wihout mercy for ourselves we cannot love the world. Buddha

When faced with any kind of problem, we can make an excuse or make it part of a greater history.


It is not whether you get knocked down, it is whether you get up. Vince Lombard

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. Steve Maraboli

Don’t waste  a minute not being happy!


Trust the timing of your life. All will come to you at the perfect time.
Karen Salmansohn 

Ha en fin dag til deg:)
