Quotes for the day

Words to inspire:)

Dagens blikkfang

Hei på deg. I skrivende stund har jeg fortsatt pyjama. Men jeg har vært siden våken halv fem. Slik er det oftest når jeg er hjemme.

Etter å ha chattet med barnebarna på Filippinene, ble jeg  og min mann enige om å gå tur. Så jeg bare tok på meg utenpå bukse og jakke…pyjama under. Det vises jo ikke hva jeg hadde på meg under:)

Det kom nysnø igjen og det ble hvitt rundt omkring.

Bilder fra dagens tur

Dagens blikkfang. Søt liten hund. En blandingsrase sa eieren:)

Nå…jeg fortsatt i pyjama, jeg skal lytte på en lydbok og strikke litt:)

Er det mye snø hos deg?

Trist å si farvel

I åttetiden i dag dro jeg til arbeid for å levere fra meg jobbnøkler og rydde litt ting og tang på aktivitetsenter der jeg jobbet sammen med arbeidskolleger. Det er så trist å ta farvel til jobben som jeg elsker så mye. Men livet må gå videre. Uansett hvor mye jeg ville på arbeid, kroppen min klarer ikke det.

Etter å ha sagt farvel til arbeisdkolleger, dro jeg og min mann til kirkegård for å bytte gravlykt hos min søster.

Det var bitende kaldt, men fint vær. Mens vi var der, ringte kirkeklokker på grunn av en begravelse. Jeg tenkte at de må også ta farvel til en som er kjært. Ja, livet er jo slik. 

Resten av dagen blir brukt til å få igjen kreftene.

Hva slags planer har du i dag:)

How to move from overwhelmed to overflowing


When you grasp that most things in your life are gracious gifts from God, your life will og from overwhelming to overflowing.

“I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me.”

John 15:5 (CEV)

It’s better to rest in God’s goodness than to be overwhelmed with work and worry. But it’s also easier said than done. It can be hard to take the steps that lead to rest and the abundant life God has for you.

Here are four daily habits that will help move you from overwhelmed to overflowing.

1. Stay connected to Jesus every day. “I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me” (John 15:5 CEV).

If you try to go through life on your own power, you’re going to be overwhelmed. You cannot fulfill your purpose and enjoy God’s goodness unless you’re plugged in to his power.

2. Replace your complaining with gratefulness. “Do everything without complaining and arguing” (Philippians 2:14 NLT).

Complaining is a deeply unhealthy emotion. On the other hand, studies have shown that gratitude is the healthiest emotion. It produces serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin in your brain; those are the chemicals that boost happiness and lower stress.

3. Stop being stingy, and start being generous. “Bring the full amount of your tithes to the Temple, so that there will be plenty of food there. Put me to the test and you will see that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you in abundance all kinds of good things” (Malachi 3:10 GNT).

God wired a universal law into the world: The more you give away, the more you’re going to get. God did that because he wants you to become more like him—and he is a giver.

4. Stop comparing, and start being content. “It is better to be content with what little you have. Otherwise, you will always be struggling for more, and that is like chasing the wind” (Ecclesiastes 4:6 NCV).

Contentment doesn’t mean you don’t have any goals, dreams, or plans for your life. It simply means you don’t need more in order to be happy.

By nature, people are discontent. But by God’s grace, you can rest contently in his goodness to you. When you grasp that most things in your life are simply gracious gifts from God, your life will go from overwhelming to overflowing with God’s abundance.

Think It Over

  • One way to stay connected to Jesus is through Bible study. But do you feel overwhelmed when you think about starting a daily Bible study? Start small. How many minutes can you commit to study and prayer each day to get started?
  • How do you think social media affects your contentment?
  • For the next few days, make a commitment not to complain about anything. Every time you catch yourself complaining, redirect the complaint into thanks. Each day, note how often you are able to change your gripes to gratitude. What difference does a thankful attitude make?

By Rick Warren

De kom fra Russland

Livet går sin gang for min del og selv om bevegeligheten er begrenset i det siste på grunn av smerter, ville jeg fortsatt prøve å lage noe. Så jeg fant fram garnrester og begynte å strikke lapper. Kanskje jeg klarer en lappe hverdag. Planen er å sette dem sammen en dag som en jakke eller genser.

Og i går, klarte jeg å sykle i halv time. Andre gangen dette året.

Og i to tiden i går  sluttet det å regne og min mann sa at vi kunne gå oss en tur før det blir mørk. Og jeg gladelig ble med. Samme plass vi bruker å gå. Ca 1,5 kilometer til å gå rundt. Gårsdagens bilder:

Solnedgang i tre tiden

Snøen har forvunnet og soppene dukket opp

Det var flo

Fant et hjerte

Og trollene. Det blåste mye og det var mye bølger

Vakkert skue

Tegn av vår?

I skumringen kom masse fugler. Spennende å se

Min mann trodde DE KOM FRA RUSSLAND.

Heldigvis, var det bare fugler.

Hvordan var gårsdagen din?

Takk for titten og ha en fin dag.


Hadde det artig på kirkegård

I går nevnte jeg at jeg får besøk av en kusine og min søster og før vi dro til hjemmet mitt, vi dro til kirkegård først for å besøke nærmeste som har gått bort. Og det ble noen artige bilder derifra. Tenkt det…3 gamle damer som poserer på kirkegård:)

Det var fint vær i går derfor det gikk an å tenne lys der. Vi var heldig med været.

Forresten jeg serverte kylling kokt i kokos og grønnsaker med ris til besøkende, men glemte å ta bilde, men vi ble mett allikevel:)

Ellers i dag føler jeg meg veldig levende…det vil si at jeg kjenner at hvert eneste muskel og ledd verker…men jeg må finne lyspunkter i dag også.

Ute hører jeg vinden som uler. Men det er 5 grader og kanskje det blir en tur ute i dag med min elskede mann. 

Hva slags planer har du i dag?

Takk for titten:)


Getting back to happy

Be inspired today with this post:

10 Life Choices You Won’t Regret in 10 Years


I don’t regret the things I’ve done; I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.

In the end, more than anything else, we regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were too afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.

Think about it…

The big opportunity you procrastinated on. That friend you never called. Those important words you left unspoken.

You know what I’m talking about.

Every one of us has experienced feelings of regret. But it’s not too late to set things straight. We’re still here breathing.  Today we have an opportunity to change tomorrow. Right now we can choose to erase regret from our later years.

It’s time to make the best of each and every day. Here are some ideas to get you started – ten things you can start doing now that you won’t regret 10 years down the road:

  1. Explore what YOU love, and own it. – If you spend your life trying to define yourself by what someone else loves, you’re going to be miserable. Try things – try everything. Explore. See what makes you hear music inside and what makes your heart swell, and then go do it. Find out everything you can about it. Find other people who love it too. If you waste time pretending to like something just because other people you think are “cool” like it, you’re going to end up with the wrong people and circumstances in your life. Love what you love and be yourself, and you will end up with a lifestyle and relationships that make you truly happy.
  2. Live YOUR idea of your life, every day. – As you’re working on point #1, you will inevitably meet people who want to steer you in a different direction – their direction. Just remember, what’s right for them may be wrong for you, and vice versa. The truth is that the world isn’t really as it is, but as we see it. And we all see it differently. If you end up living a boring, miserable life because you completely ignored yourself and instead listened to a critic, a peer, or some guy on YouTube telling you how to live your life, then you have no one but yourself to blame. Honestly, the smartest and most courageous act is simply to think for yourself and listen to you own intuition. It’s better to struggle in your way than live someone else’s idea of your life. 
  3. Wake up every morning and get the RIGHT things done. – The world does not owe you a living.  You owe the world a life. So stop daydreaming and start DOING. Develop a firm backbone, not a flimsy wishbone. Take full responsibility for your life – take control. You are important and you are needed. It’s too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday. Someday is now; the somebody the world needs is YOU. Focus on being productive, not being busy. Don’t just get things done; get the right things done (and this includes things in your personal life too).
  4. Put down your smartphone and be more present. – Is there anything worse than getting somewhere and not realizing how you got there? Even worse is only realizing how great something is after it’s gone. Living in the present is a basic notion, but as with most simple things, we often find a way to complicate it. But there’s nothing complicated about learning to appreciate and notice life as it’s happening. There’s nothing complicated about being present. You won’t remember the cool Instagram photo you saw on your feed anyway. You will, however, want to remember the conversations you had and the stories you lived through. So put down the darn phone!

Click link for the last five tips😊

Prayer to trust God


Psalm 100:5 The Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation.