I dag deler jeg mine tanker skrevet på engelsk.
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“The shocking truth”
Today, it really shocked my core reading Jesus Words in Luke 6:46 where He said that we cannot call Him Lord if we don’t do what He says.
It is really serious!
Come to think of it that most everyone says Lord, give us this and that, asking for blessings, wealth, good job and health, long life, nice weather, strength, courage and everything under a sun. But do people give a thought of if they have the right to call God as their Lord? To ask for anything as if God is a Geni in a lamp?
Jesus has a criteria before we can call Him Lord.
First..we need to repent and ask for forgiveness and ask Him to be our Lord and Savior.
obedience is a must. Saying not now and later Lord is disobedience and shows who our Lord actually is. And if it still ourselves we obey…can we call Jesus as our Lord then?
The good things is- He offers forgiveness if we ask. (1. John 1:9)
He offers a shoulder to carry our burdens.
He is the light for us so we don’t stumble in darkness.
He is the way to follow so that we will not get lost.
He is the truth so that we will not be deceived.
He also promised that although in this world we will have troubles, but behold, He overcame the world.
So with Him as our Lord, we can also overcome the world.
His Word is our guide…a life to our body.
His presence is our assurance that we can face every storms in life, every persecution, every challenges.
We can go against the current of this world because we can hold His hands.
He can soothe every pain and heartaches. A comforter of our soul.
With Him we can subdue our weaknesses.
With Jesus as our Lord, victory will be in our hands
So what it is that hindering you to call Jesus as Lord today?
To obey?
Secret formula for success in every area of our lives:
du har et poeng her ja,det er ikke bare å be om å få,vi må gi,tro og være villige til å tro først :=)
Ha en god ny dag! Flotte ord!
Toini: Tusen takk.
En god dag til deg også?
fruensvilje.blogg .no: Takk for at du leste:)
Det varmer mitt hjerte:)
Det som er bra er at det alltid finnes en vei tilbake til både Gud og Jesus, om man ønsker det.
deveny: sant:)