Firkløver kake

Sharing this entry from my other blog: to my readers here:)

                                                We are going to need ” Firkløver Chocolate”


Put 100 grams chocolate and 135 grams butter in a casserole. 



 Let the chocolate and the butter melt together in  a low heat , then let the mixture cool down. Picture under.


                                                            Then the rest of the ingredients…….


200 grams sugar and 6 eggs…..



whipped until creamy…..


then add 135 grams flour and 2 ts baking powder…..



lastly, add the chocolate and butter mixture……




then bake in 180 degrees for 45 minutes.



Now it is baked….


And for the icing: 

Cook 1,5 dl sugar, 1,5 dl butter and 1,5 dl cream for ten minutes before adding 200 grams firkløver chocolate. Cool until lukewarm under constant stirringThen put icing on the cake layer.  

Here is my ” Firkløver cake”




As I was baking these cake, I pondered about how the ingredients combined can turned out to be a mouth watering cake. I don’t think raw eggs are good. The same with the flour or the baking powder. But by mixing them together and work with the ingredients :  whipped, cooked and baked like I did, I made a delicous cake. Pretty tough treatment….

Just like us humans. We can be treated badly or experience hardship, but these things can mold us into a better person. Remember God’s has given us different gifts or talents to develop and to be used in building each other. Like the ingredients of my cake. They have different qualities to contribute to each other. We receievd, then we give:)

         So my thought for today is:



Amigurumi ( elg)

Jeg ble forelsket med henne da jeg så henne første gangen….

Jeg har funnet henne fra denne boken…

og da fikk jeg ikke fred før jeg har laget min versjon av elgen. 


Etter noen timer hekling……måttte sy sammen først

den endelig resulatet.. men jeg har ikke funnet navn på henne. Kan du hjelpe meg med navnet?

Ha det så lenge…nå er det tid for å leke med katten min…


Beautiful outside?

I was invited to Letecia’s birthday celebration last weekend. She turned 29.  Still very young. 

On the way to her house I had problem driving because of the snow and the wind was so strong. I thought that me and my car will be blown away and my life would end…. 


In addition, earlier that day, I got a message from my sister and she said that she was taken to the hospital because of too much stomach pain. Not to mention our dear aunt who is dying. I thought that maybe it was not the right time to be merry. But, I didn’t want to dissappoint Letecia because it was her birthday and I was also looking forward to meet friends that were invited, so I went. Life must go on, no matter what. I did survived:)

The birthday celebrant and the foods that she prepared. Hmmm. Delicious!


It was terrible cold outside, but inside Letecia’s home was warm and  cozy.  Some of the guests were already there when I arrived. Beautiful ladies.



So I joined them…. In a group was a friend from USA. Her name is Sarah and it was nice of her to come to join us ladies from the Philippines.


Anyway, as you can see…calories to burn again! Oh, we didn’t mind at all:) 

A thought came into my mind as I look at the pictures.



Maria is 31 while I am 51

Going to a party makes us do our best to look nice outwardly. Putting on  make- up on our faces to camouflage our imperfectness. Especially me who  is a way much older than others. 

Mother and daughter. Much more younger



Some of us carefully select the right shoes that match the color of the dress. And I admire them who really knows how to dress right.



On top of that, we put on jewelry to make us look more glamorous. We really want to look amazingly beautiful if it is possible


As I look at the pictures, I can see that everyone really looks great. God’s creation.



I believe these two lovely ladies are the youngest among us grown-ups.

Everybody was smiling, but we knew that many of us are hurting inside for different reasons. Sadness especially for our country men who were devastated by the typhoon Haiyan. There are some among the group that  have families where the calamity struck. But still we are very lucky to be given this opportunity to celebrate and for all the blessing. I thank God for that. 



Like I said, we all want to look nicely especially in occasion like this, but I do pray to God that we must not forget to take care of our hearts and  because if we are beautiful  inside, then it will radiate outside.

This morning, I read these from Ephesians 6:10-18. God’s written words  and got the inspiration to pray for every one from the living word of God.

Father, I pray that we will aways  put on your whole armour  so that we will be able to stand on our ground when calamity strikes, when sickness attacks us, when problems are overwhelming. That we will stand with the belt of truth, that comes from you, buckled around our waist and with breastplace of righteousness in place. Make our feet fitted for the gospel of peace. I pray that wherever we are, we will take our shield of faith. To extinguish  all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Do not let us forget to put on our helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Your word Oh God. Thank you for reminding us to be alert and pray in Jesus name.



Heart’s desire!


Philadelphia cake!

I have been so blessed in the past few days of my life, and now  it is about time to bless others too!



So I tried to make this Philadelphia chesse cake ( picture above) to served to our ” food for the soul” meeting this Sunday. I said made, coz I did not bake the  cake in the oven.


Again, I got the recipe from my daughter’s cooking book ” Smaken av Fosen” which she was a co-author.


My daughter’s name is Kamilla


For the layer: 

110 g butter

250 g digestive biscuits




I pack lemon gele

( reduced the water in half)

250 g philadelphia cheese

110 powdered sugar

I ts vanilla sugar

1/4 liter light sour cream

1/4 liter whipping cream




 I  crumbled the  biscuits with the rolling pin


and mixed with the melted butter



Then I put the mixture in the baking pan and flattened it with a wooden spoon. Set aside until it was cold.


Then  the topping:



I mixed the gele powder with boiling  water and set it aside  to be cooled down.



Whipped the cream



Then I added the rest of the ingredients.


I poured the topping over the layer.



The cake, before I put it in the refrigerator. It will be ready to served when the cake hardens. Then I will decorate with grated lemon peel afterwards



  It will look like this on the picture. I hope so!



                                                            “Thought for the day”

                          Freely you have recieve… freely give! That was Jesus words:)



Just want to share this entry to my readers here from my english blog:


Radical woman!


Lord, help me to be a radical woman 

who is not afraid to do anything for you,

regardless of what other people might say.

 Make my ears tune to you no matter where I am or what I do,

for others to see you in me.


Jula Vårres

Yes, det var en hektisk helg. Aktivitetene begynte allerede fredags kveld. Det var dårlig vær med sludd og det blåste kraftig. Men dårlig vær stoppet ikke oss ( var sammen med en eldre dame) å dra ti forestillingen” . Det handlet om en kabaret med Uthaug Songlag basert på Rotmos sanger om jul, hverdag og fest. Dette var den første gangen jeg har sett spillet.

Jeg skal fortelle litt om spillet med bilder og ord. I hvert fall det jeg forsto og husket.

 Her er en del av scenen. Her er i hvert fall julen begynt.


På et hjørne så jeg nissen. Ja, kanskje han hadde gjort noe dumt, derfor han ble plassert der? Tar så mye plass at han blir mer populært enn Jesus. Jesus som var egentlig grunnen derfor vi har jula feirengen. For meg er det trist, men sant. Ja, ja, nok om det. 


Den første akten var en gammel soldat som fortalte den tiden han tjenestegjorde i militæret. Jeg forsto ikke mye av fortellingen hans pga. dialekten og musikken i bakgrunnen.  Det var sikkert artig. Folk lo i hvert fall.

Mattis Sjøttarstuggun heter akten

Her er Uthaug Songlag. De er veldig flinke til å synge, men jeg kjenner ikke sangene og likedan han som har skrevet sangene. Det var verdt å høre allikevel.


Men så kom den gamle bestemoren for å legge seg.  Tissepotten under senga. Typisk ?

Det kom en ung dame for å spille for henne.

( spelt åt meg)


Men, etterpå kom det en mann( kanskje sønn i huset ) for å ta henne til wc-en for å gjøre de nødvendige ærend.


Gammelpotetene skrelles

Jul i barnehagen.  Ungene var så flinke til å spille. De er veldig søte også.



Nissen kom.,men ingen gaver ….Kanskje ungene har ikke vært snille?



Så kom digerhalsen på fest. Mannen nederst til høyre. Han luktet i hvert fall stygt så billet selgeren stengte luken og andre til slutt forlot festen.

Ingen jul uten  ølbrygging. Da er karene som har ansvaret for det og de smakte på varen selvfølgelig.



Her er første julefesten

Slik kan det gå når man får for mye av det gode…


Sjendelsen i Ytre kirkes kor: Her kritiserte presten om det ene og det andre. Også koret, men endte med å danse med musikken til slutt og hadde det gøy.

Jul i bakgården: Her trodde jeg at damen til venstre har fortalt om forsvinningen på gården.



Så kom tausa og drengen…og da vet vi hva som skjedde etterpå:)

Den siste akten i hvert fall fikk meg til å le skikkelig. Gris- slaktninga.


De var virkelig gode til å spille.

Kabareten ble avsluttet med sangen ” Vårres jul”. Vakkert.

Det har skjedd mer enn det jeg har delt, men husken min er ikke så bra. Jeg tror nesten hele salen var fornøyde etter spillet.

Slik gikk fredags kvelden min.

Hva med deg?





Lord help us to number our days aright, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.



Let our lives counts. Our life span here on earth  is very short. So let us focus to what lies behind after death.

Thank you because we can dwell in your presence. Safest haven to be. Let not our sins hinder us to seek you, but cling to you to you even more. To be cleansed and purified by your words.



Thank you for your compassion. For satisfying us every morning with your unfailing love. Your loves that makes us joyful in all our days. 



Let us see your mighty works and proclaim them. Thank you for the favor you give to your children…




God’s playlist!