I have been so blessed in the past few days of my life, and now it is about time to bless others too!
So I tried to make this Philadelphia chesse cake ( picture above) to served to our ” food for the soul” meeting this Sunday. I said made, coz I did not bake the cake in the oven.
Again, I got the recipe from my daughter’s cooking book ” Smaken av Fosen” which she was a co-author.
My daughter’s name is Kamilla
For the layer:
110 g butter
250 g digestive biscuits
I pack lemon gele
( reduced the water in half)
250 g philadelphia cheese
110 powdered sugar
I ts vanilla sugar
1/4 liter light sour cream
1/4 liter whipping cream
I crumbled the biscuits with the rolling pin
and mixed with the melted butter
Then I put the mixture in the baking pan and flattened it with a wooden spoon. Set aside until it was cold.
Then the topping:
I mixed the gele powder with boiling water and set it aside to be cooled down.
Whipped the cream
Then I added the rest of the ingredients.
I poured the topping over the layer.
The cake, before I put it in the refrigerator. It will be ready to served when the cake hardens. Then I will decorate with grated lemon peel afterwards
It will look like this on the picture. I hope so!
“Thought for the day”
Freely you have recieve… freely give! That was Jesus words:)
Just want to share this entry to my readers here from my english blog: joysnotepad.blogspot.com
Den beste kaken i verden….:-)
Så gøy….Vi bakte omtrent samme ostekake forrige helg, men vi hadde ikke sitroner, bare en lime i huset, men brukte sitrongele og filiadelfiaost. Her hjemme kaller vi den latmansostekake fordi vi bare bruker sitrongele i stedet for gelatin og det går så raskt :-). Det er egentlig sønnen som har pleid å bake den i gave til meg :-). Noen ganger lager vi rosa også, og bruker bringebærgele og pynter med friske bringebær, den blir også kjempegod <3
deveny: enig:)
passion4lifeandtravel: artig å prøve forskjellige smak:)