
Reflection: God wants me/you to rejoice always. It means no matter what is happening in our lives, what kind of troubles we have, or even if we are sick, we should rejoice. Not only that, God wants us to be thankful under all circumstances. Whether there are viruses around us or wars nearby. Rejoice said, God.

As a human, it is quite a challenge because we are people with feelings and if we are hurt or having difficulties, the last thing we do is to be thankful. But I believe it is the idea that no matter what is happening to us, knowing that there is no problem too big for God and since He is with us, walking with us, guiding us, then we can rejoice. God is our provider. We need to give him all our burdens. If we lack wisdom, we can ask Him. He had given us His Word as a manual for us to use so we will be guided on how to live our lives triumphantly. This is Jesus’ will for us because only by faith and trust in him we can rejoice in any circumstances and be victorious.

Let us be those persons that cause happiness wherever we go and let us be missed when we leave.

If we are going to have a goal in life, let it be JOY. Be full of joy. Seek and find joy in small things in life. Seek the joy within that comes in God’s presence. We need of course to choose the practices and activities that enrich our lives with joy. Decide to have a joy plan and implement that plan to do so. Doing those things changes our attitude in the long run.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it is about learning to dance in the rain” Vivian Greene.

“Repeat every day: This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

A good reminder: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition. With thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

I/you need to spend time regularly in God and prayer, just talking to Him about everything, and with thanksgiving, I believe we will experience peace.

And come to think of it, spending time with God is not only on your knees, but it can be everywhere. We can talk to God anywhere, anytime, and everywhere.

Prayer: Thank You so much Oh God. You really want us to be joyful and thankful. You really loved us. It delights Your heart when we seek happiness from You and You made all things so that we can enjoy them, The beauty of nature, flowers that bloom, never-ending changing colors in the sky. Your hand painting.

In the loss of loved ones Father, we can choose to be joyful knowing that they have it better with you. If a door closes for us, we can be joyful because you have a better door to open. If we get sick….Lord, we can entrust our lives in you. Thank You for the comfort in difficult times and new hope from Your Word daily. I am forever grateful. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen


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