This verse tells me that God the Father is generous and when He gives gifts, He gives them generously. And gifts from Him are pure. A gift from heaven. Not a gift that He bought from the biggest shopping mall or ordered from the Internet. It was not wrapped in the most expensive gift paper, but in a piece of cloth in a manger many years ago. But that gift still applies today.
He gives gifts so that we can be restored and be there where He wanted us to be. And His most precious gift was Jesus Christ so we can be cleansed from all sin. A gift that cost God everything.
Sad to say that sometimes people don’t want to accept God’s precious gift. Although God sacrificed so much by letting Jesus die for the sins of humanity.
It seems that this world’s temporary gifts are more appealing to many. Short-lived pleasures and popularity are more attractive than life with God.
Maybe you will say that you don’t need to be saved because you can manage it on your own. But admit it or not we all need a Savior because we are not perfect. In the Bible, it said that “all of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. “
(Rom. 3.23)
In addition, we cannot just go on breaking laws without consequences. God’s law or human laws. We will pay the penalty in one way or another. But our sins against God had been paid by Jesus Christ so that we can go free. We only need to repent and ask for forgiveness. We need to receive the gift.
Not likely if break a law in this world. We will surely be punished if we get caught or suffer the consequences.
It is Christmas time and now is the time to receive the greatest gift of all.
Father God, I thank You for Your precious gift to us. We don’t need to deserve that gift like a gift from Santa. We should be nice first. Your gift is for everyone. Rich or poor. Sinner or saint. Sick or healthy. Young or old. With that I am so grateful. I pray and give thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen
Lag deg en fin dag sammen med dine, Ligaya 🙂 klem
Takk ig i like måte:)