The truth

The word of God changes our lives.

Word: He chose to give birth through the word of truth. James 2:18

Reflection: The verse says that God was the one who chose to give birth through the word of truth (His written word). It means that if we don’t read His Word and hear from him, we will not know the truth.

This world has another truth that is contrary to the word of God, so we should not adopt the ways of this world, or we will be in trouble. In addition, it said that God gives birth to the truth, which means that God’s promises to us will bear fruits.

The truth is that since the Word became flesh and lived with us, (John 1:14) we should start with God and His Word. The way, the truth, and life. And besides, how could we know God’s will and plan for our lives if we don’t read His Word?

Everything starts with the Word…God said in the beginning, let there be light… and then there was light. (Gen. 1:3) If God has begun with the Word, (His word) we should do so because like Jesus who did what Father was doing, so we should do too as children of God.

In the beginning, the earth was formless, empty, and dark. (Genesis 1:2) Quite like us before we get to know the Savior. We were living in the dark and were empty. But thanks be to God, with the Savior and His Word in our lives, we received life and have it abundantly.

God’s word is like a seed in our hearts. The more we plant God’s Word (seed) in our hearts, the more fruit they will produce because God’s word are Spirit and life.


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