Breathtakingly Rare and Natural Phenomena That Actually Exist on Earth. Spectacular!
#1. Blue Lava Volcano in Kawah Ijen in Indonesia
These very rare blue liquid comes pouring out of this volcano was caused by burning sulfur.
#2. Etruscan Vase Moon
These spectacular image was created by moonlight refracting through an atmospheric inversion layer on Earth
where cold air was trapped near the surface.
#3. Green Lake, Austria
This lake which can be found in Austria, is very different from other lakes,
as it is covered with grass, benches, bridges and a landscape that really looks like it belongs over the ground.
#4. Morning Glory Clouds
This rare type of clouds can stretch 1,000 kilometers long
and occur at altitudes of up to 2 km.
#5. Light Pillars, Russia
This light columns appeared in extremely cold areas just like Russia.
#6. Frost Flowers
When the atmosphere is far colder than the underlying ice, these splendid flower fields eventually form on thin sea ice.
#7. Snow Chimney
This Snow Chimney formed in arctic is also considered as Fumaroles
which allows steam from volcanoes to escape into the open.
#8. Striped Icebergs, Antarctica
These lovely stripes Iceberg in Antarctica, occurs when a crevice in the iceberg fills up with water,
which freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.
#9. Volcanic Lightning
This is produced by immense amounts of electrical charge and static.
#10. Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees
These amazing Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees, absolutely varied from other trees,
as it gives an attractive multicolored bark.
#11. The Gateway to Hell, Turkmenistan
This rare phenomenon is considered as the gate way of hell,
a vent which natural gas escapes to the surface through cracks in the rocks.
#12. Horsetail Fall, California
The Horsetail Fall which can be found in California occurs on the side of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.
More in my next post!
så utrolig mange pene bilder!!
Oi , så mange spennende og stilige bilder ….jorda er ett underverk kan man trygt si ja :p Håper du får en super dag i dag <3
cathrinehenriksen: ja, verden er et under i seg selv:)
Takk for besøket og kos deg resten av dagen:)
Moving On: ja, det var det. Mange flinke fotograf ute i verden:)
Takk for besøket:)
Sant det 🙂 Å tusen takk for det kjære deg 😀
Utrolig herlige bilder, det er sånne man gjerne skulle ønske man klarte å ta selv 🙂
frodith: Ja, det er sant, men det er håp for oss:)
Kjempefine bilder!! Naturens kunstverk rett og slett <33
rita johannessen: Ja, det er sant!
Så mange flotte bilder.
Naturen er bare vakker, får aldri nok av den.
Ha en fin kveld.
Vår forunderlige verden! Ellers er du vinner av Giveaway på min blogg! Hvilke(n ) farge(r) vil du ha? SEnder du meg adressen din!
hannetoves: wow! Så koselig:) skal sende deg adressen min på email:)
4 barns mamma: tusen takk:)