Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirits leading in every part of our life. Galatians 5:25
Reflection: This verse says to me/you as believers who are living by the Spirit, to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. And since I/you consist of body, soul, and spirit, we should conduct our thoughts, minds, and bodies by His guidance. We should follow Him in words and deeds. Trust Him in good times and in bad times. When we are sick or well. When we are in the storms of life when we are facing a mountain of problems, opponents, or difficult people. When we are persecuted, when we are in darkness or light. When our prayers are not getting answered and we fail and fail and our plans and dreams do not manifest. We must let the Holy Spirit transform our character with His Word which we can find in the Bible. To be taught how we should treat ourselves and other people. To ask the Holy Spirit for help so that we can conduct our affairs with honesty, humility, fairness, and integrity. Let His Word saturates our beings so that we will not indulge ourselves in sin. So that every bondage of the enemy will be loosed. Every gap will be filled with good things. All wrong beliefs and behaviors will be corrected.
Application: I will walk with the Holy Spirit in every aspect of my life. I will meditate on His Word so that I will be renewed and change unto Thy likeness. I will acknowledge Him in all my ways and be always thankful in all circumstances and trust Him in every season of my life.
Prayer: Dearest Father in heaven, I pray for me and my loved ones, and people that are close to me to walk with the Holy Spirit every day. To follow His guidance so we will bear fruit. Fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Then we can love our enemies, forgive those who persecute or hurt us. See others with understanding and mercy. We can then have joy and peace under all circumstances. We can endure and be patient during hard times and in dealings with difficult people. When we walk with You, we can be show kindness and goodness to others who are in need too. We can be faithful to You in all our ways. As You had shown patience and gentleness to us, I pray that we should also do so in every people that we encounter and to ourselves. Let us be controlled by You especially when we are to burst into anger because of unfairness we encounter or something that we could not accomplish. Holy Spirit, please do not leave us when we go astray, but lead us back to God. Continue to walk with us day in and day out for God’s glory. I pray in Jesus’ name.
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