Being a treasure

💐Today’s prayer and thanksgiving💐

Dear God, I thank You for the help to portray who You are for us and in us by the way we talk and live. I thank You for the works that you help us to do for you. Let Your deeds be seen in us. Although that we are made of clay- marrred by cracks and easily broken, but You made us the home of the Holy Spirit so that we could carry the good news of Christ into a hurting and broken world. Thank You God for Your all- surpassing power that turns our ordinary lives into priceless treasury.
I thank You for You are the source of light and being you make us also shine in darkness around us. Thank You for Your light that shines in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of Your glory displayed in the face of Christ.
Thank You that we have You as our treasure. Treasure that no one can steal whether life or death. Thank You that all good things comes from You and everything works together for good for us who loves you. Amen♥

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