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Dagens ord:

Men da han hadde brukt opp alt … begynte han å lide nød.

Lukas 15:14

Refleksjon: Da jeg leste dette verset tenkte jeg på menneskers tankegangen. Ofte stoler mennesker på sine egne løsninger på problemer eller planer uten å rådføre seg med Gud. De finner sin egen lykke her i verden. Karriere, berømmelse, rikdom osv. Akkurat som den fortapte sønnen i Lukas kapitel 15: 11-24. Han trodde at han blir lykkelig med formuen han fikk fra faren sin som forskudd på arven etter hans ønske. Men han trodde feil. Han brukte pengene til et vilt liv. Piker, vin og sang i moderne språk. Og det førte til at til slutt led han i nød. Han fikk det verre enn tjenere i farens sitt hus. Og han tok fornuften. Han dro ydmyk og angrende tilbake til sin far. Og der fikk han en ny sjanse. Han ble tilgitt og fikk tilbake sin plass som den yngre sønnen i huset. De feiret for hans tilbakekomst til og med.

Hver og en har jo egentlig vært fortapt uten Gud. Men det som er godt er at vi kan bare komme til Gud uansett tilstand vi har og han tar oss imot med åpne armer. Han kler oss med hans rettferdighet og lede oss til den rette veien vi bør gå.

Bønn: Takk Gud for at du er en tålmodig Gud. Du venter på at vi skal komme tilbake til Deg. Jeg ber da Herre at hver og en skal gjøre det før det blir for sent.

La oss finne tilfredstillelsen hos Deg og ikke i verden. Gjør livene våre til nytte for andre og for Deg.

Du har lagt fram et kart foran oss (bibel) som en veiledning til hvordan vi skulle leve. Jeg ber for at det skal være vår rettesnor å følge etter. Som vi hungrer etter vanlig føde hverdag, jeg ber for at vi skal også lengte etter å smake på livets brød dag ut og dag inn i våre liv. På den måten Far, slipper vi å havne i fortapelsens vei. Jeg ber i Jesu navn. Amen

Happy bags are packed

Vel, snart drar Fru Happy til varmere strøk..

Og hun gleder seg:)


Men må virke ca 2 uker til i Norge:)

The Lord is my Shepherd

Devotion for the day.

Reflection: Just wondering what this verse really meant because people are always wanting something believers or unbelievers. Wanting to be satisfied with body, soul, and spirit. Materially, physically, mentally or spiritually.

In my case, I need strength every day, healing, and purpose to live when I am so worn out, wanting guidance, wisdom, and knowledge. And daily dose of food and water. Not to mention desiring to see and taste the goodness of God in every area of my life.

I want to be happy and fulfilled no matter how old I am now. Then it hit me that all those things can God provide when He is my Shepherd. God can supply those things in big or small portions. It depends of course on what I should get, following God’s will in my life. Everything has significance when I get them and where and how. What is my reaction and what do those things lead my heart to believe? I believe that there is always a lesson to be learned in all the things that are happening in my life and around me.

Because God is my Father…. He knows what is best for me no matter how I don’t understand what is happening in my life and around me. And because God loves me, he is teaching me to be patient under all circumstances. To have faith in things that I could not see, and to trust Him with my everything because He has my past, present, and future as my Shepherd.

As a daughter of God, I should believe that I shall not want because God already knows what I need before I ask. Then I realize that I just tell God every day what I need and just thank Him that He will provide as He sees fit. This body of mine that is aching and exhausted is His temple anyway. I should just trust God to take care of His temple because I no longer live. In this life that I live now, I live for Christ who loved me and gave His life for me, as Paul has written in Galatian 2:20. Then, I don’t need to worry or fret. Just flow with God’s flow and follow His lead.


Vondt skal vondt fordrives

I dag er det. Har mye vondt i kroppen, men gikk likevel en tur for det var fint vær. En venninne ringte meg og spørre om jeg har lyst til å gå en tur. Etter mye om og men bestemte jeg meg om at uansett hvor vondt jeg har det på kroppen ville jeg gå på tur.

Nydelige bilder fikk jeg i hvert fall.

Glemte litt av smertene under turen. Og det hjalp med humøret å få være ute. Nå er det bare å slappe av resten av dagen:)

Har du vært ut på tur i dag?


Word study:

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect,



As I read the verse I found out that we should:

  1. Sanctify Christ in our hearts
  2. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks us the reason for the hope that is in us.
  3. Respond with gentleness and respect.

How do I/you sanctify Jesus in our hearts actually?


I believed that before we can sanctify Jesus in our hearts, He should be invited to come in first if we haven’t done it yet.  It said in His Word that he stands at the door and knocks, and if anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will come in and dine with us. ( Revelation 3:20)
Our hearts are a dwelling place for God. It is to be a sacred place. Jesus enters our hearts as an invited guest, but more than that, as our King and Lord. If we refuse to allow Him to sit down on the throne of our hearts, then He will not consent to be our guest. If we try to limit Him to being just a guest, sort of like a Sunday visitor we would have over for dinner. On Monday or other days,  He’s expected to leave until the next time we want to entertain Him. That is not the proper thing to do.

What does it mean to “sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts”? To “sanctify” means to “hallow” or to “make holy.” The point is to make Jesus at home in our hearts. Put Him on the throne. Give Him honor and glory. Love and obey Him. Allow nothing from this world to crowd Him from His throne.

As Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon.” (MATTHEW 6:24).
I/ you must not hesitate to give Jesus such mastery over our lives. He deserves it. And obeying Him lead us to the right decisions, the right way, the right purpose, and heaven.

It is difficult to serve two masters. In this current world, we are tempted to serve many masters like materialism or ourselves. We can give way to what our bodies crave for pleasures forgetting what matters the most.  The problem is, there is only one throne. There are not two, three, four, or more. Jesus said it was simply impossible to serve both, so we should not try. Instead, sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts!

Mark that sanctification is God’s command to us, so we must decide to act on it with our will. Not sometimes, but all the time.

Probably, it is hard for us sometimes to do so because sanctifying Jesus in our hearts will result in suffering for the sake of righteousness. Maybe we are afraid to die for it? To be ridiculed and go out of our comfort zones?
“But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, we are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled.” (I PETER 3:14).

We are blessed if we sanctify Jesus in our hearts. We are going to walk a love walk as Jesus did. We are going to be merciful, forgiving, grateful, generous, and helpful.

Because Jesus is sanctified in our hearts, we act and speak righteously. Our words and deeds exalt Him. Sin should not be a part of our lives. We are the salt and light on the earth. The spices that this world needs. The joyful people despite of troubles and hardships.

Satan of course will always attempt to get Jesus out of our hearts. He will try to intimidate us into compromising our faith or at least neglect it. He will tempt us with a lot of things in this world that satisfy our flesh so that we will lose our interest in God. But we should remain steadfast because our soul is at stake and so is our loved ones.

“…always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you…” (I PETER 3:15).

How do we make ourselves ready to defend? We make ourselves ready by putting on our armor which is the word of God. And in continuous communication with God in prayer. Be prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Like the athletes, they train and train continually without ceasing in order to win. And so, should we.

Jesus used God’s Word to defend his faith in God when evil tempted him. He said that we should not live by bread alone, but by the word of God. Matthew 4:4

If we know who we are in Christ, then we will not have a problem defending what we believed.

“…yet with gentleness and reverence.” (I PETER 3:15). These are two characteristics that spiced our answers as well as our lives. “Gentleness” means meekness or mildness. Truth is not determined by who shouts the loudest, or by who is the most overbearing or insulting. While our answers need to be confident, they should not be arrogant.

The second characteristic is “reverence.” This means having proper respect for others’ opinions. We should tell “the reason for the hope” within us. But we should not force others to accept what we believed.  We are talking about the holy things of God to those who may not share our reverence for Him. Though they might mock and ridicule, we are serious. Though they might seek to lower the dignity of the conversation, we seek to maintain it. Those who may be listening for a message of hope in a dark world need to know that a serious answer is being offered.

“…and keep a good conscience…” (I PETER 3:16). What is necessary for “keeping a good conscience”? We should try to do our best. To be sincere in the things we say and live what we are proclaiming. During our conversation with others, we will be able to hold our heads up and look people squarely in the eye and proclaim that our faith is valid and be able to tell them why. If we are seeking to live honorably and righteously, then with a clear conscience we will be able to make our defense of the truth. But if our faith is fake and hollow, judgmental, hypocritical, uncommitted, and/or without dedication, then it will show.

“…so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” (I PETER 3:16). We may receive the impact of the harshest of criticism and be treated unfairly. The best answer to the wrong charge is our godly living. Our honesty and goodwill should show in our actions. Our love for God and our fellow man has been crystal clear. Our commitment to principles of righteousness should be seen by all. We should have openly made known our faith by both your words and deeds. That is sanctifying Christ as Lord in our hearts. When people see our deeds, maybe we don’t even need words to defend our faith.


90- åringen på dansegolvet

“Du skulle ha sett min spreke svigermor.  Da hun feiret 90- årsbursdag, danset hun med kjæresten din og flytte fra bord til bord for å snakke med gjestene. Men når det gjelder prat, hun har en 96- åring søster som pratet enda mer.” Det var et av samtale emnene da jeg var på et bursdagsselskap sist torsdag. Denne fortalte en venninne ( i rosa kjole) under bursdagsselskap.  Og jeg tenkte at jeg skulle ønske jeg kan være like sprudlende en dag som 90- åring. Det kan være en umulig ønske når jeg er allerede nesten kaputt som 62-åring.

Men litt glede kan jeg også ha i nåtiden. Her med bursdagsselskap barnet som fylte 32 år.

Resten av gjengen

Mye hjemmelaget mat…

Men ektefellen. De blir småbarns foreldre om ca 3 måneder:) Nydelige og snille paret.

Tusen takk for titten:)

Namzoin Temple i Japan

God morgen til deg. Håpet det er sol hos deg slik at du kan sende var varmestråler til meg. Her hos oss er det grått, kaldt og trist. Og Fru Happy er i dvalemodus.

Men jeg får litt livsglede til å oppleve Japan i min sønns øyne. Denne gangen var han i Namzoin Temple i Japan. Velkommen til “Chair travel” I Japan:)

Min sønn:)

Takk for titten og ha en god helg:)