Matthew 7:12 In everything, do to others what you would have them to you.
Reflection: What do I actually want others to do to me?
Of course, I want others to be kind to me. Help me when I need help. Care for me and respect me, but also teach and correct me when it is necessary.
But what about those who had been cruel to me? I did learn a lesson from them in one way or another. Not that I want to be cruel to others just to teach them a lesson. If someone had wronged me, God would do justice just as I had experienced.
My goal in life should be then to show empathy to others. Respect their feelings, but rebuke or correct them if it is necessary. Although I have problems correcting other people for fear of hurting their feelings. Just like that, I get hurt when corrected.
In later years, I began to understand that those who corrected me often had the right intentions. And if I think that what I am doing is right, I just keep quiet. And the most important thing is to see the truth in God’s Words.
In addition, it helps to understand those cruel people. Maybe they are hurting too or just jealous. Then, it is not about me or my failures, mistakes, or successes, but about their situations in life. It helps to be humble, to be tolerant, and understanding, and the most important thing is to forgive just as I had been forgiven by God.
Father God, I thank You for reminding me to show love to others just as You had loved me and just what I want them to do to me. It will not be easy, so I need help from You every day. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen
I like the way you reflect and show how you respect other people ❤️
Thank You so much:)