Is God good?

 The Lord God shines His goodness on all people

Matthew 5:45 (God) makes the sun rises on both good and bad people. And He sends rain for the ones who do right and for the ones who do wrong.

Luke 2:10 Don’t be afraid!.. I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone.
Reflection: These verses say that God is good to all people. Probably, many will disagree because there are rich people and poor people. I can interpret it this way: Saying God is good to everyone means His grace and forgiveness applies to all. He died for each one of us. And like it says, the sun rises on both good and bad people. And the message of hope applies to all.
I believe when it comes to material blessings, talents, and gifts, it varies because God wants to know how we use what we had given. Are we going to be a giver or just a taker? Thankful or complainer?

In Luke 2:10 it said, “ Don’t be afraid.” I like this sentence very much because God is implying that everything will be all right no matter how bad the situation might be.
Prayer to be good
Our good and loving Father, thank You because You are a fair God who offers everyone the gift of salvation. And You are gracious to every sinner.
Thank You for letting the sun shines for everyone and for the rain that falls for both evil and good. Thank You for Your blessings every day that are too many to count. May we be a blessing to each other.
Father, I pray that we will show kindness to everyone, no matter their color, race, or their life situation. That if we are going to give help, we will give because it is needed not because the person is good, and we just wanted to be recognized. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

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