To escape…

 Devotion for the day

1 Kings 19

Elijah flees to Horeb

Observation and thoughts about this passage:

  • God sent help to Isaiah when he was afraid and running for his life. He provided food for him and talked to him. After that Isaiah was renewed and had been given more tasks to do. 


  • Elijah experienced the depths of fatigue and discouragement just after his two great spiritual victories: the defeat of the prophets of Baal and answered prayer for rain. Often discouragement sets in after great spiritual experiences, especially those requiring physical effort or involving great emotion. To lead him out of depression, God first let Elijah rest and eat. Then God confronted him with the need to return to his mission- to speak God’s words in Israel. Elijah’s battles were not over; there was still work for him to do. ( When you feel down after a great spiritual experience, remember that God’s purpose for your life is not over. 


  • Elijah thought (19:10) that he was the only person left who was still true to God. He had seen both the king’s court and priesthood become corrupt. After experiencing great victory at Mount Carmel, he had to run for his life. Lonely and discouraged, he forgot that others remained faithful during the nation’s wickedness. ( When you are tempted to think that you are the only one remaining faithful to a task, don’t stop to feel sorry for yourself. Self-pity will dilute the good you are doing. Be assured that even if you don’t know who they are, others are faithfully obeying God and fulfilling their duties)


  • (19:11-13) Elijah knew that the sound of a gentle whisper was God’s voice. He realized that God does not reveal himself only in powerful miraculous ways. To look for God only in something big (rallies, churches, conferences, highly visible leaders) may be to miss him because he is often found gently whispering in the quietness of a humble heart. 


Are you listening to God? Step back from the noise and activity of your busy life and listen humbly for his guidance. It may come when you least expect it. 



When I am weary and afraid, I should come to God and trust Him that He will provide for my needs of strength, peace, courage, and rest. 

That no matter what happens in my life; success or failure…I should remember that God has still a purpose in my life. Everything is happening because God is forming me. 

I will always devote time to listening to God. To be alone with him in prayer and reading His Words. 





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