Visit in the dark

Nicodemus visits Jesus at night

John 3:1-19


Nicodemus was a Pharisee according to this passage. A member of the ruling council (called Sanhedrin)

Although he was a learned teacher and well-educated, he came to Jesus to be taught. It tells me that no matter if we have all the knowledge in the world, which of course is impossible for any human to accomplish, but still if we come to Jesus, we will still learn a lot. Just think of all that God had created and done….our lifetime here on earth would never be enough to gain all the knowledge and wisdom that Jesus had to offer.

Nicodemus came to Jesus personally to examine Jesus for himself. If we want to know the truth, we should also come to Jesus; the way, the truth, and the life.

Nicodemus do come to Jesus, but he came at night, maybe because he was afraid of how other Pharisees would react. Most people are like Nicodemus. Fearful of what others would say, so they refrain from doing things that they need to do, or they do things secretly. As believers, we should do everything in the light and should not be afraid to do the right things and to follow Jesus no matter how unpopular it would be.

Born again

In verse 3 Jesus said that no one could see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. And he explained that no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the spirit. It seems impossible of course from the human point of view.

My conversion

Many years ago, when my older sister invited me to a Christian fellowship, I felt the presence of God at once when I entered the vicinity. And as I listened to the preaching of the word, I felt God was talking to me. At the altar call, I surrendered myself to God and I felt I was struck with a force that I fell to the floor. And then I saw a vision of my story playing like a film in my mind and I sensed that all the sins that I did in the past had been removed from me. When I regained consciousness, I felt that I had become a new person, lighter and cleaner inside. I believe that was what Jesus called “to be born again” in Spirit. Although it took many years before I had been water-baptized, I felt that God had been at my side since then. How can I say that?

Well, suddenly all I wanted then was to get to know more of Jesus whose blood had redeemed me from eternal destruction. Suddenly, my heart was filled with the desire to read the Bible and to serve God. It has also been filled with gratitude to God who sacrificed His Son so that sinners like me can spend my eternity with Him. In heaven where there is no pain, sickness, or loss. And now, my deepest desire is for others to get to know Jesus who willingly offered His life for each one to be saved from eternal destruction.


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