What drains you of your energy?

Life drainers

Have you met some of those? People whose main intention is to prove that they are the wisest and that they are always, right? They think that our reasoning is just a waste of time because their way is the best one? And in addition, they demand that we listen to them. They want to control everything and if they could not, the hell would get loose. Then they will criticize us and get angry at us. Or they would not want to be in our company anymore. Well, maybe we will think that it is the best.


Maybe they are one of our colleagues, family members, or friends. And we had tried everything to make them understand that sometimes they are not always right, but to no avail. They just do not want to listen. And as long as we agree with them, there will be no conflict. And for that reason, we give up talking to them because they drain every energy in our body.


But can it be that we are the one who drains the energy of other people? Do we create drama wherever we go or in every conversation?

What the word says?

Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Romans 2:1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself because you who pass judgment do the same things.

When Jesus lived on earth, the Pharisees were constantly pinpointing that Jesus was teaching the wrong things and they were the ones who were right. And they did everything to annihilate Jesus. They crucified him on the cross thinking that they were right for doing so. But Jesus’ last word: Luke 23:24 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing…..


Personally, when I am in the presence of those people, I tend to just keep silent, and just let them do the talking. I will do it my way anyway especially when the decision is on my hands. And the best thing I could do was pray because I could not change people. Only God. And God loves the “Life drainers” too. And of course, God can give me wisdom on how to deal with those kinds of people. It is impossible to please everybody anyway. God could not, would not and why should I even try? God had already given the life of His own very Son, who came to give life and have it abundantly. If people won’t accept, it is their loss.

And for life drainers…I think it is best just to love them at a distance and wait for God to act.  


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