Igjen, deler jeg en av mine ferier med min familie på Filippinene. Skrevet på engelsk hentet fra min engelskebloggen: joysnotepad.blogspot.com.
Her hadde jeg krøllete hår:)
Well, vacation won’t be complete without swimming in the beach. So we are on the way to explore the islands.
And me, enjoying the ride!
First stop: Snake island. But believe me we haven’t seen any snake there. My daughter in-law in the picture.
But before anything else, we have to eat. My second daughter ordered ready made food, so all we needed to do was to enjoy the meal.
But the kids couldn’t wait. And here they are having fun! For them who lives in the city, it is heaven being at the beach.
My youngest grandchild that time, learning how to swim!
And look what they saw in the water! Small fishes!
Next stop was Starfish Island. But we didn’t bother to go there because we were not so interested to see the starfish because if we want to, we must know how to swim because they are in the deep water. And the kids couldn’t swim and so are we.
Then, we decided to stay in Isla Pandan resort to enjoy the rest of the day.
Now, we are in the water!
And my son too!
My second daughter with me! She is my carbon copy…well almost:)
Now, time to say goodbye again!
My mother and my daughter and her family!
But taking picture as a souvenir is a must!
That is all for today and see you next time !
“Thought for the day”
How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity. Psalm 133:1
Så pene dere er Joy ! ;-D God natt og drøm søtt min herlige venn<33
rita johannessen: takk og god morn min venn:)