Hjemlaget kort!

Jeg har laget en del kort i det siste, men jeg synes at de passer mest til vinterstid ettersom de er ikke fargerike.. Hva synes dere?





“Ord til ettertanke”

Hvis du vet at du går i riktig retning,

er det bare fortsette å gå.



In his book « The best is yet to be» Henry Durbanville told the story of a little girl in London who won a prize at a flower show. Her entry was grown in an old cracked teapot and had been placed in the rear attic window of a rundown tenement house. When asked how she managed to raise such a lovely flower in such an unlikely environment, she said she moved it around so it would always be in the sunlight. 

( Excerpt from « Our daily bread)


During the years of my life,  when I was in darkness, afraid, hurting, hoping to be saved, to be seen, and to get help, I hope to be in the light. 

In the light where I don’t need to be afraid, where I will be protected from getting hurt, where I won’t be ashamed, where I can shine, be encouraged, be saved from darkness, beloved, and be in the dry ground. So I prayed and prayed and prayed. I seek and continue seeking. There must be hope from someone, from somewhere.


Many years of tears and heartaches, but deep inside me was a little hope that someday the sun will shine in my life. That might be in the mud, but one day I will rise up and I will be on the dry ground.

              And then I found the source of light and life.

Little by little my life has changed. I found out that God can make something out of a me who was broken and with nothing to offer. He restored me and made me whole again. Now, I am not in the dark anymore. Because God is my light and in him, there is no darkness. I don’t need to be afraid anymore because I know that whatever happens in my life I am under his care.

                                                   God said:

How wonderful it is to be made whole again, to be loved, taken care of, to be seen, to be protected by the Almighty God, and to be inspired by His words every day.


So like that little girl in the story where she moved around her flower so it will be always in the sunlight, I will also move around to follow the sun of my life. And that is GOD.

How about you?

A repost from my other blog: willyouhearfromme.blogspot.com

Norges forskjellige farger!

Pictures that are worth sharing captured by a friend of my husband: Ole Johnny Male!

Many People marry for better or for worse – but not for good.

Thanksfulness depends on what is in your heart, not what is in your hand.

A word of love can make a world of difference.

The fear of the Lord can deliver us from the fear of others.
God can weave the thorns of life into a crown of glory.


You are one of a kind – designed to glorify God as only you can.




The way of obedience is the only way of blessing.

We plant seed, but God gives the harvest.


    With God’s arms beneath us, we need not fear what lies before us.


    It is not how long you live that counts, but how well you live.



These pictures and quotes inspired me and hope you be inspired  too.



A repost from my other blog: willyouhearfromme.blogspot.com





Strikket dokker

Jeg er en utålmodig person når det gjelder håndarbeid, så jeg liker å lage små ting som bli fort ferdig.

I det siste  har jeg strikket og heklet  små dokker. Dem ga jeg til mine to barnebarn på Filippinene. Og de likte det:)

Jeg døper dem da for Zyrish og Candice. De er navnene på to av mine barnebarn. Jeg har seks:)

Fryd for øynene!

   En kveld i hagen min, fikk vi besøk av et piggsvin….Fryd for øynene


Og blomster overalt…fryd for øynene






I himmelen, fryd for øynene


På sjøen: Quenn Elizabeth ship:)


Ja, det er så mye skatter rundt omkring. En fryd for øynene.

God helg til dere:)