Havfruen nå igjen?

Enkelte ting må man kanskje gjøre flere ganger….

som å kjøre på samme veien flere ganger

Og besøke Bakstein i Fevåg ettersom min datter fra Filippinene og barnebarnet hadde ikke vært her ennå…et eventyr sted

Hovedattraksjon var havfruene

og eventyrfigurene

Og vi dro til Rein Kirke og Rissa bydgdmuseum.

Rein kirke er en korskirke fra 1932 i Indre Fosen kommune, Trøndelag fylke.

Rein kirke ble innviet i 1932. Etter at Rein kirke ble revet og Rissa kirke ble bygd, ble savnet stort etter den gamle Reinskirka. Forfatteren Johan Bojer tok initiativet og stilte midler til å sette opp ei ny kirke så lik den gamle som mulig. Han satte også av et fond slik at kirkebygget skulle holdes ved like. Kirka er også kalt “Bojerkjerka” i dagligtale. (Wikipedia)

Byggverket er i tre og har 350 plasser. Arkitekt for kirken var Helge Thiis.

Pluss Rissa bygdemuseum. Hvite bygg til høyre.

Rissa Bygdemuseum er et bygdemuseum i Indre Fosen med vekt på gårdshistorie, og det ble etablert i 1962. Museet består av Borgstua, som ble gitt til museet av Marie Horneman, i tillegg til ruiner etter Reins kloster fra 1200-tallet. Dette er et historisk område hvor det også var gårdsdrift. I klosterets gamle meieri fra 1868 er det anlagt et meierimuseum. Museet bevarer ulike typer materiale som forteller noe om bygdas kulturhistorie. I samlingene finnes også gjenstander tilknyttet personer som Johan Bojer skildrer i Den siste viking.

Vi var heldig med været. Etter det spiste vi lunsj på en bensinstasjon i Rissa ettersom det var bare i tolvtiden og restauranten der åpnes ikke før klokka 14.00. Men vi ble fornøyd og mett. Det er ikke første gangen vi hadde spist på en bensinstasjon heller og det blir vel ikke den siste.

Min sønn og familie hans tenkte å komme på besøk i Juni måned og muligens tar jeg dem med på samme stedene.

Har du prøvd å spise mat fra en bensinstasjon?

Tredje dag (Turkis)

Frodiths fargeutfordring

Dag 3 Turkis

Ønsker deg en god dag:)

Little sponges

Most household sponges that we use today are synthetic, but many people are surprised to learn that real sponges were at one time sea animals. When a live sponge is removed from the sea and its living matter is cleaned out, it becomes useful for household purposes. The skeleton that remains, with its open- celled structure, can soak up and absorb liquid.

Children are like sponses. They soaked up attitudes and ideas with which they come in contact. We must be very careful, therefore, about what is allowed to fill their minds.

What are your children absorbing in your home? What are they getting from sosial media or books they read. As they listen to your conversations, what kind of words and attitudes are being taking in? Are you a good example of love for the Lord and concern for others? Is there a warm spiritual emphasis in your home? Are you doing what you can to fill their hearts with God’s word?

When children become adults, they will give out what they have taken in during their formative and impressionable years. Let ut make sure that those little ” sponges” in our home soak up what is pure, wholesome, and uplifting.

Deuteronomy 11:19 You shall teach them to your children….when you lie down, and when you rise up.


Grønn dessert (Frodiths farge utfordring)

Frodith har en farge utfordring nå for tiden og jeg har tenkt å være med. Først utfordring i går var grønn.

Så her er det min grønn farge. Grønn gele til dessert.

Den blander jeg med Macapuno (young coconut dessert) Kjøpes på en Asia butikk.

Blandes sammen

Pluss halv boks av condensed melk

Pyntes med cocktail vær!

Dessert på en mandag:)

Er du med på Frodiths fargeutfordring?


En god dag til deg fra “Happy Castle.” Ute vinden uler, men det regner ikke. Håper vinden roe seg ned etterhvert slik at jeg kan dra til kirkegård for å plante blomsterplanter.

Skulle gjøre det i går, men dro isteden til nærmeste strand for å gå en liten tur. Litt kaldt å bade ennå. Jeg tørs ikke isbading:)

Dermed, gårsdagensbilder.

Hva skal du gjøre i dag?

Ha en fin dag i hvertfall:)

Quotes to incourage


Vi kan sikkert si mandagsgodt, tirsdagsgodt og videre. Men i dag er det søndag og da bli det søndagsgodt. Så en oppskrift fra Yummly.com

Det så godt ut og jeg prøvde.

Min måte:

Det var i hvertfall godt:)

Hva har du spist i dag?

Keep your thoughts!

Devotion for the day!


What it says?

The passage above tells me /you that we should dwell on the things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and of good repute. Not only that. We should practice what we had learned from the Word of God and what we had seen from the people of God in the Bible. Also, focus my/your eyes on anything worthy of praise.


What I think?

It is quite not so easy nowadays because we are bombarded with lies from the world. Like if we buy a certain toothpaste, our smiles will be brighter, and our teeth will be sparkling whites. Or it is ok to have sex with anyone you like as long as both partners agreed. Our minds are intoxicated and polluted with all the propaganda from the world. There is a saying that “we are what we think and we are what we eat.”

I read that flamingos were not born pink. As babies, they have light gray colors. They became pink because they eat mostly shrimps, and certain kinds of algae that have lots of beta carotene in them. Beta carotene is reddish-orange pigment ( the stuff that makes color)

So, like the flamingos, we are what eat. I am not saying that if we eat too many carrots, we will turn into an orange color. I don’t think we need to worry about it because we do only not eat carrots, but also other variants of food that have other colors. And if we eat a lot of junk foods, then our body will suffer from many sicknesses. So, we should be careful what we take in. Remember, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We cannot pollute the body that was made holy by the blood of Jesus.


Well, the things we see, hear, and think about- become part of who we are. For example, we might hear a certain melody that we like and started singing the song. But are we aware of the lyrics? Does it feed our minds with things that are pure and holy?

Seeing the news about the war between Ukraine and Russia makes us hate a certain man and feel sorry for refugees. What can we do about it? We can of course help the refugees in some way, but to focus our eyes on the war 24/7 will make us depressed and fearful.

All the things that we watch on tv, YouTube, TikTok, etc. on the internet affect us very much. Not to mention the books we read or any reading materials. Would our thoughts then please God? I read in a book that we can never unsee or unhear something. It will forever be inside our brains, coloring who we are. So, we ought to be careful what we let in because there is a saying that if we put garbage in us, then it will be garbage that will come out from us too.


What shall I do?

So, how we can keep garbage out of our minds? I believed that I/you should apply the verse above. To put out the bad thoughts away, we should fill our minds with things that are true, (word of God) honorable, right, pure, lovely, whatever is of good repute and praise. It said that if we practice those things, God’s peace will be with us. Practice means that we should do it all the time. Like if we want to lose weight, it is not enough to just practice eating nutritious food one day. It should be practice day after day.



Something will always fill our minds. It is up to us what we want to absorb or not. If a thought does not fit God’s words, we should not dwell on it. Practice…practice and practice! Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. It is the same with doubt. If we just listen and listen to the world, then our faith will waver and we began to doubt God’s goodness.