Litt av hvert

Endelig har jeg fått en del ting jeg har bestilt på nett. Men helt fornøyd av varene er jeg ikke. Men det er vare billige varer fra Kina så jeg kan ikke forvente mer av kvaliteten:)

Her er vel kan brukes til å ta spennende bilder:) Skjønner ikke hvorfor det er omvendt???


Her er telefon beholder

Cutting dies for kortlaging ( må vente på Cutting Machines)

Maler for å tegne


Underlaget for baking

Fikk heklet en gryteklut.

Hvordan gikk dagen din?

Work for peace

God morgen. Håper du har hatt en fin påske. Jeg hadde en kjempefin påske feiret sammen med min yngste datter. I går dro hun hjem og stillheten merkes når man er alene.

Yey, i dag er den første arbeidsdagen etter påskeferien og jeg gleder meg faktisk. Jeg fortalte min yngste datter at jeg savner de eldre og hun sa at hun skjønner det. Hun viste vel at jeg er glad i dem.

Dagens ord i dag sier at vi er velsignet hvis vi søker om fred. Og vi blir kalt Guds barn.

Ærlig talt, jeg liker ikke konflikter derfor jeg prøver å samarbeide med andre hele tiden som noen ganger går  utover min helse. Men slik er det meg. Heldigvis Gud sier at man er velsignet når man søker fred:)

Ønsker deg en fredelig og fin dag. La oss spre glede hvor vi er i dag. Jeg skal I hvert fall prøve å lage livsglede for de eldre I dag:)

My conversation with God!



Dear God, you know that my name means happy. Do you think I am a joyful person? Those who know me from the outside will say that I am a joyful person. I do laugh a lot. Find things to laugh about. In a midst of conversation, I can suddenly think of funny things to say that most of the time brought laughter in the crowd. Maybe they laugh at what I say or of me…just the same. It makes me happy anyway to see smiles on other faces. And I am sure I do have a lot of fun. 

Well, laughter is the best medicine, they say😊


So, yes Lord, I am pretty much a joyful person. If I am sad, I look for things to make me happy both in small and big things. I find joy in looking in Your magnificent creations. In other times when the weather is showing its bad sides, I find something to create with my bare and aging hands out of something. That makes me happy too. 


 I wish I could be like You that if You want to create something, you just say the magic word. But probably, it will be chaos around me if I have such a power or a magic wand and if I can make something appear when I say the right words or just lift my magic wand. Like those in fairy tales? For this old lady can find such crazy things. I hear those words says to me sometimes😊

 On the other hand, there are other ways to acquire many things. To be joyful and to be wise and so on. 

 You said in Proverbs 3:13-18

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom,

    the one who gains understanding.

 14 For wisdom is more profitable than silver,

    and her wages are better than gold.

 15 Wisdom is more precious than rubies;

    nothing you desire can compare with her.

 16 She offers you long life in her right hand,

    and riches and honor in her left.

 17 She will guide you down delightful paths;

    all her ways are satisfying.

 18 Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her;

    happy are those who hold her tightly.


 Well, I suppose I should find wisdom and understanding from Your Word to have a meaningful life. Isn’t it? Instead of wishing for a magic wand and magic words? My words can be magic after all when I say Your Words instead. How can I say that? Because You said that Your Word is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

Hebrews 4:12


Not only that, Your Word too is like honey from a bee. It is sweet

I found this in the Scripture: 

And he said to me, ‘Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the people of Israel.’ So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat. Then he said to me, ‘Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.’ So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.” – Ezekiel 3:3


I heard that honey can do wonders in one body. I even used honey as a beauty treatment on my face. I felt softer and cleaner at least every treatment. 

So, if Your Word is like honey, those who hear Thy Word and speak it will be nourished, sustained, and be satisfied with every need. 

Besides, Your Word is an endless supply of love, power, clarity, purpose, guidance, strength, courage, peace, wisdom, and joy. Those qualities are available to everyone who has Your Word in their everyday menu. Probably like the honey in my tea every day. Your Word will be the spiritual tea that I shall drink every morning. 


Anyway, You emphasize the importance of wisdom by comparing it with gold, silver, and rubies. Well, in my opinion, I rather have wisdom than those precious stones because If I have wisdom, I presumed that my words can be a treasure for other people. 

Also, I can use wisdom from You Lord to gain riches, long life, and honor. Not to mention that wisdom (Your Word) will guide me to pleasant paths, and I will be satisfied. 

It tells me that if I embrace wisdom, it will be a tree of life for me. I will be happy if I will hold it closely in my heart. Like a precious jewel. It will be nourishment for my dying soul and aging body. 


Well, as You can see Lord, I am not that young anymore. My body needs a lot of repairs and it takes a little bit longer for my mind to grasp what others are saying or to understand written instructions of how to do this and do that. However, when I read Your Word, it seems that there is still hope for this old lady who wants to serve You. So, I guess Lord…we are quite a team. I am the weak and You are the strong. I am old, whereas you are the oldest. You are the one who fills my empty places and most of the time, my empty brain. And that will be enough….isn’t it LORD?

Then, I can still be a joyful woman regardless of how the world is right now and how my body function sometimes like a turtle, other times like a whirlwind. Amen to that!

Do you talk to God?

Mat og chat

God morgen til deg:) Har du hatt en fin påske? 

For de fleste er vel i dag den siste av dagen av påskeferien. Jeg skal også begynne å jobbe i morgen. Noen kanskje kunne tenke seg mer feriedager, men andre gleder seg å begynne på arbeid igjen. Jeg er vel begge deler:)

Mens jeg og min yngste datter hadde koset oss mye i påske. Spist  mye god mat, blant annet sushimat i går. 

Stekte uer, salat og potet bakt I ovn dagen før.

Og ny bakt solsikke brød

Og jeg chattet også med familien min på Filippinene og en søster her i  Norge. Det er det som er så fint med slike chatt at man kan gjøre det i pyjamas. Jeg var bare ikledd pyjamas:)

Jeg takker Gud for moderne teknologi som gjør det mulig å prate med familie som bor så langt unna og ser ansiktene deres og høre deres stemme. Avstanden blir for kort da.

Ellers har det regnet her i flere dager, men i dag da jeg våknet var det hvitt overalt. Snøen ville ikke slippe taket. Stemorene og liljene mine ble dekket av snø. Håper de overlever. 


Enn du?

Skal du begynne på arbeid eller har noe viktig ting å ta fatt i morgen?

Har du hatt besøk av familien eller chattet med dem?

Er det snø, regn eller sol hos deg?

Synes du at du har hatt en fin påske?

Ha en fin mandagsmorgen:)




Det er vel ingen mennesker som ikke frykter et eller annet. Ja, vi kan frykte mye som pandemien, mørke, stormer, tap av nærmeste, alderdommen, å miste jobb, å være alene, gammel og glemsk. Det kan være uhelbredelig sykdom eller å bli sviktet.

 Listen kan være uendelig. Men hvis det er noen vi bør frykte over, så de må være Gud, for frykten for Han er ren. Den fører til liv. Den gir visdom. I tillegg, driver kjærlighet hans frykten ut.


Gud vår Far, hjelp til oss til å lære mer av din godhet, slik at vi ikke trenger å frykte for morgendagen. Du sa til og med i dine ord at vi skal ikke bekymre oss for morgendagen. Vi trenger ikke å gjøre det, for din trofasthet er skjold og vern for oss ikke bare i dag, men i alle dagene som skal komme.


 Salme 19: 10 “Herrens frykt er ren, den står fast evinnelig.”

Salme 111:10 Å frykte Herren er begynnelsen til visdom;

god forstand har alle de som gjør deretter.

Salme 147, 11: “Herren har behag i dem som frykter ham.”

Ordspråkene. 14, 27: “Å frykte Herren er en livets kilde.”




The truth


Ønsker deg en god påskemorgen:)

He has risen


Devotion for the day:

Matthew 28:1-19

Jesus rises from the dead 28:17

What does the passage say?

It says that Mary and Magdalene went to the tomb after the Sabbath. They met an angel there who came down from heaven and rolled out the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like a lightning, and his clothes as white as snow. The guards who were there who saw the event were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel who announced the good news gave the women four messages: 1. Do not be afraid. 2. He is not here. 3. Come and see. 4. Go quickly and share.


How does it apply to our lives?

It tells me that although it seems that Jesus is dead because of what is happening in this world but He is not. Because He lives,  we should not stop seeking His presence.

The angel represents a pure God and that He is the light. As children of God who represents God here on earth, we should live a pure life and should be persons who lead people to the source of light, which is Jesus. He is the light of the world.

We should remember that when we are afraid of dying, we should remember the empty tomb. That Jesus has risen, and we would be too. Death is not the end. There is a future life. The power that bought Jesus back to life is available to everyone today. It can make the spiritually dead come back to life again. That because Jesus has risen, we should not treat Him that as if He is not around in our everyday life.

It tells us that if we seek God, we will know the truth and evil cannot con us. The angel commanded the women to go and share the resurrection.  That applies also to us. That we should share that Jesus has risen. The good news.

Because Jesus has risen as he foretold, we should be confident that He will accomplish what He had promise.

Jesus’ resurrection tells us that He is the ruler of God’s eternal kingdom, not a false prophet and an impostor.


Jesus appears to the women 28:8-10

This verse tells that when the women saw Jesus, they worshipped Him. It tells me that Jesus is always beside us and that we should live our lives in reverence to Jesus.

Jesus said to the women: Go tell my brothers…he called his disciples his brothers. It means that He has forgiven them, understood them although they betrayed them.

It tells me that although many times we had betrayed God, He can still forgive us.


Religious leaders bribe the guards 28:11-15

In my opinion, after the chief priest had known that Jesus had risen, they should have repented, but they didn’t, because of course, it can cost them their lives and positions. It tells me that we should not be like the chief priest. we must choose Jesus before our lives and positions just like what He did to us.


Jesus gives the great commission 28:16-20 ( His last words)

It said that God gave Jesus authority over heaven and earth. Based on that authority, he told the disciples to make more disciples as they preached, baptized, and taught. It implies that Jesus’ commands to the disciples applies also to us. To preach. Our lives can preach in themselves if we have a Christlike character and our words are words that bring healing, life, encouragement, inspiration, and knowledge and bring people closer to God. To baptize and teach if we have given a chance.

Baptism symbolizes submission to Christ, a willingness to live God’s way, and identification with God’s covenant to His people.

With that in mind, we should use our gifts, talents, resources, and time to fulfill the great commission. We might not be an evangelist or pastor, but we could support them so that they can do their jobs, pray for them and lead our family or people that God is sending into our path into God’s kingdom.



Dear Jesus, thank You that today, we are reminded of Your resurrection and I pray that we too will live a resurrected life. Thank You that through Your blood, we had been cleansed, so I pray that we will not make our body, soul, and mind dirty again. And to be able to that, I pray that we seek Your presence daily and meditate on Your Word with desire, hunger, and joy. Let us be Your living witnesses in words and in deeds. Amen



Fresh scallops

En engel på jord (mitt tantebarn) kom med ferske kamskjell hun hadde dykket selv. Og denne kjerringa ble rørt.

Spiser du kamskjell?

Kjøpt og kast

God morgen til deg:) Håper skjærtorsdag og langfredag har gitt deg ikke bare gode opplevelser, men at du ble minnet om Jesus kjærlighet til hver og en.

Ettersom det er bare regn her, sender jeg et bilde fra min mann fra båten. Der er det i hvert fall fint vær.

I går etter at jeg og min yngste datter har vært på en tur ute, begynte vi med å se hva hun kunne ta med seg til hennes nyinnkjøpte leilighet. Hun hadde fått og kjøpt en del fra utenlandske reiser, men hun ville ikke ha mange av dem. Jeg sa at jeg kan ta vare på det selv om jeg har ikke mye brukt for det. For jeg synes det er for galt å kaste dem ennå. Hver eneste ting har en historie i seg selv. Det kan hende at jeg gir dem bort senere. Kanskje noen kan ha brukt for dem..

Denne koppen kjøpte jeg til henne fra Italia, men hun ville ikke ha den med seg.

Denne fikk hun fra en annen, den ble også lagt til side.

Elefanten fra Sri Lanka ga hun til meg. Hun sa at hun har flere.

Denne er også fra Sri Lanka. Underlag for kopper eller glass laget at papir. Hun sa at jeg kan også lage slike for jeg er flink til å benytte gamle blad:)

Et forkle jeg fikk laget for henne fra en av utenlandske reiser. Hun vil heller ikke ha selv om hun liker å lage mat.

Kanskje en dag vil hun bruke det til minne om moren.

Etter mye sortering, rydding, og kasting til søppelet,  spiste vi lammelår, fløtegratinert potet og glasert asparges og gulrøtter. En god saus hører med. Vi var ganske fornøyd med resultatet.

Ja, vi kjøper, spiser og etterpå blir de til  avfallsstoffer. Akkurat som tingene vi skaffer oss.

Avsluttet med is med karamellsaus og jordbær.

Resten av dagen så vi flere film, vi snakket og jeg heklet. Datteren ønsket et par grytekluter i beige farge.

Og nå er det lørdag og vi får se hva dagen bringer.

Har du hatt en fin skjærtorsdag og langfredag?

Hva slags planer har du i dag?

Tar vare du på alt ting du fikk eller kjøpt?