Devotion for the day:
Matthew 28:1-19
Jesus rises from the dead 28:17
What does the passage say?
It says that Mary and Magdalene went to the tomb after the Sabbath. They met an angel there who came down from heaven and rolled out the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like a lightning, and his clothes as white as snow. The guards who were there who saw the event were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
The angel who announced the good news gave the women four messages: 1. Do not be afraid. 2. He is not here. 3. Come and see. 4. Go quickly and share.
How does it apply to our lives?
It tells me that although it seems that Jesus is dead because of what is happening in this world but He is not. Because He lives, we should not stop seeking His presence.
The angel represents a pure God and that He is the light. As children of God who represents God here on earth, we should live a pure life and should be persons who lead people to the source of light, which is Jesus. He is the light of the world.
We should remember that when we are afraid of dying, we should remember the empty tomb. That Jesus has risen, and we would be too. Death is not the end. There is a future life. The power that bought Jesus back to life is available to everyone today. It can make the spiritually dead come back to life again. That because Jesus has risen, we should not treat Him that as if He is not around in our everyday life.
It tells us that if we seek God, we will know the truth and evil cannot con us. The angel commanded the women to go and share the resurrection. That applies also to us. That we should share that Jesus has risen. The good news.
Because Jesus has risen as he foretold, we should be confident that He will accomplish what He had promise.
Jesus’ resurrection tells us that He is the ruler of God’s eternal kingdom, not a false prophet and an impostor.
Jesus appears to the women 28:8-10
This verse tells that when the women saw Jesus, they worshipped Him. It tells me that Jesus is always beside us and that we should live our lives in reverence to Jesus.
Jesus said to the women: Go tell my brothers…he called his disciples his brothers. It means that He has forgiven them, understood them although they betrayed them.
It tells me that although many times we had betrayed God, He can still forgive us.
Religious leaders bribe the guards 28:11-15
In my opinion, after the chief priest had known that Jesus had risen, they should have repented, but they didn’t, because of course, it can cost them their lives and positions. It tells me that we should not be like the chief priest. we must choose Jesus before our lives and positions just like what He did to us.
Jesus gives the great commission 28:16-20 ( His last words)
It said that God gave Jesus authority over heaven and earth. Based on that authority, he told the disciples to make more disciples as they preached, baptized, and taught. It implies that Jesus’ commands to the disciples applies also to us. To preach. Our lives can preach in themselves if we have a Christlike character and our words are words that bring healing, life, encouragement, inspiration, and knowledge and bring people closer to God. To baptize and teach if we have given a chance.
Baptism symbolizes submission to Christ, a willingness to live God’s way, and identification with God’s covenant to His people.
With that in mind, we should use our gifts, talents, resources, and time to fulfill the great commission. We might not be an evangelist or pastor, but we could support them so that they can do their jobs, pray for them and lead our family or people that God is sending into our path into God’s kingdom.
Dear Jesus, thank You that today, we are reminded of Your resurrection and I pray that we too will live a resurrected life. Thank You that through Your blood, we had been cleansed, so I pray that we will not make our body, soul, and mind dirty again. And to be able to that, I pray that we seek Your presence daily and meditate on Your Word with desire, hunger, and joy. Let us be Your living witnesses in words and in deeds. Amen