Jesus heals a lame by the pool.
John 5: 1-15
Thoughts and lessons from the passage
Nowadays we can find lame people, sick people, and people in need of help everywhere. Like the lame man, who was waiting to be healed, I too have been waiting for Jesus to totally heal me. This passage reminds me that Jesus can heal me too. I only need to come to him and expect him to heal me. And Jesus not only can heal me physically but emotionally and mentally. That I am very thankful. And come to think of it, the man hasn’t expected anymore to be healed. But Jesus, came to his rescue.
After 38 years, this man’s problem becomes a way of life for him. No one has ever helped him. He had no hope of ever being healed and no desire to help himself. Because if he ever wanted, he could try to move inch by inch to the pool. Probably, he has a family that feeds him and helps him to the toilet. Maybe because he was lam, he was there to beg for money from the passerby to be of use to those who feed him. But his situation was hopeless.
This passage makes me understand that no matter how hopeless one’s situation is, God can minister to each one’s needs. So, I/ you must not let a problem or hardship cause us to lose hope. I believe God has still work for us to do despite our situations, or even because of it. And because we are still here on earth.
I witnessed a lot of believers that ministered to many because they have triumphed their own hurts. So, I believed that God could use us too even if we are hurting.
Sad to say that a man had been healed, but the Pharisees were more concerned about their petty rules than the life and health of a human being. They threw the miracle aside as they focused their attention on their broken rule. It is a reminder to me/you that we should care more about people that are in need than our man-made structures and rules. We need to obey God-made rules than man-made ones.
I believe that God is prepared to work in our lives, so we must be careful not to shut out his miracles by limiting our views about how He works.
In verse 14, when Jesus saw the man again, he told him to stop sinning or else something worse may happen to him. It tells me that although the man gets physically healed, he needed to be spiritually healed too. To be forgiven for his sins. God’s greatest gift is forgiveness, and we should not neglect his precious gift.
I thank You, Lord, for the reminder that You are a healer. As You came to heal the lam. I thank You that healing can manifest in my life too as I trust in You. I prayed for healing, and I just thank You, Jesus, for Your healing touch in every bit and piece that is broken in my life. Emotionally, physically and mentally Lord.
I pray Lord that if I see what you are doing for others, I will rejoice with them. And that I can also be a support to others that are in need no matter what my life’s situation is.
And most of all Jesus, I thank You for the forgiveness for my sins. For every sinful thought. It can be impure thoughts that result in wrong actions. For doubting or disobedience. Make my priorities straight Lord. Let me always be grateful for what You had given me. A new life with You. Amen
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