The mouth

The mouth

Those who guard their lips preserve life, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. Proverbs 13:3


Upon reading the verse, it made me think of the words I/you speak every day. What do we speak? Well, for example, we utter many different kinds of speech, like words of love, hate, irritation, anger, or encouragement. We ask or beg for help from others or God in prayer. We use also different tones from smooth talks to yelling. 

In writing our words, we can be formal especially when we are writing to authorities. Informal when we are writing to family or friends. I wonder what our words would be when writing to God?

In our written or verbal words, we can be optimistic. We convey a sense of hope and are positive. The opposite is to be negative. Words of doubt or worry.

 When talking to others, we can be friendly, or judgmental. If we lack knowledge and are curious, then our words will be full of questions or reflection. It is like reading the Word of God. We should be curious, interested, and full of anticipation

When talking to an audience, we can use persuasive words. Like those who make commercials to sell a thing. We need to pray then that God will give us the right words to persuade others to believe God. 

If we meet someone who lacks hope or self-confidence, our words should be encouraging. 

In the bible we are encouraged in 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain. 

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you.

Those verses encourage me today.

What about when we received a gift? Our words of course will be full av astonishment or joy if we like the gift, but if we don’t then our tone will be different. It made me think of the million gifts that God has given to us and is still giving. It reminds me to thank God with my words for all the gifts. Be joyful. 

At work, we can use cooperative words like “ Oh I love your idea, it is amazing” if we like the idea of a boss or a co-worker. If not then, we can dismiss the idea and say that we don’t agree. Then it can lead to a debate. As Christians though, we should not engage ourselves in a debate or make others do want we want. We should instead pray to God to open our minds or give us the wisdom to know the truth. Maybe we are the one who is not right anyway?

The verse Proverbs 13:3 reminds each one to be careful with the words.

Application: I will meditate on the word of God so that it is His Words that will come out of my mouth in season and out of season. In every situation. During my ups and downs. In sickness or health. I will utter words of thanksgiving every day.

Prayer: Dear God, I pray for guidance every time we open our mouths. Let there be love in our words, not hate, or anger. Let there be an encouragement, not negative words. I pray that we speak healing and deliverance to ourselves and others. I pray that we speak Your Word because there is life in it. If we need wisdom, we can find it in Your Words. So, I pray Lord that it is Thine WORD we meditate daily. Not our problems or challenges. Not our mistakes and failures.  Let there always be hope in our words. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

Jakten på kirkegård

Da jeg dro til kirkegård nå på morgenen for å vanne i gravene til svigers og min søster, så jeg at det blomstrer overalt. Og jeg som er glad i blomster fikk plutselig lyst til å knipse og knipse. Gikk rundt i gravene og jaktet på fine motiver. Håper sjelene vil tilgi meg:)

Men masse fine blomster i hvert fall

Etter at jeg har vært på kirkegård, dro jeg til butikken for å handle mat og der fant jeg blomster også.

Denne måtte jeg kjøpe

Synes du det er greit å ta bilder av blomster fra andre manns grav?

Hvis du sier ja…

En god påminnelse for hver og en som blir utbrent på grunn av man sier alltid ja til andre, men nei til seg selv.

Ord til meg….

Ha en fin dag:)

Bygge opp helsa

Når helsen streiker er det best å innhente stryken fra naturen. Spise kua og drikke melka kanskje?

Eller går en tur ut i naturen selv om skilpadden går kanskje fortere enn denne kjerringa.

Jeg fikk i hver fall frisk luft og det var godt for sjela. 

Hva gjør du for å bygge opp helsa?

Hvem kjøper blomster

Hvem kjøper blomster når man kan plukke villblomster til å pynte hjemme?

Eller plukke fra sin egen hage

Jo da. Jeg kjøper i hvertfall  blomsterplanter for å pynte ved inngangen av huset:)

Kjøpe du mye blomster eller plukke blomster ut i naturen?

Bak et smil ..

En strålende morgen til deg. Nå er det sommer og det er deilig å være lettkledd.

Gårsdagens antrekk. Jeg smiler og smiler og prøve å være glad selv om  kroppen vil helst bare ligge og ikke gjør noe…

Dagen i dag. Vi skal ha konsert i dag på arbeid.  Prøver igjen å være på arbeid.

Rart at bak smilet kan man skjule mye smerter både psykisk og fysisk….

Med dette bilde, ønsker jeg deg en god dag.

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