

When I was a child, I thought God had abandoned me. Sometimes, when the going gets tough, still, I might feel that God is not on my side. 

How many of us had been through this kind of situation?

Abandoned by parents, siblings, boyfriend or girlfriend, friends, someone we trust, or most especially God.

 How do the Israelites react when they were mistreated or felt abandoned by God?

They cried out to God. Wouldn’t that be a good example for us to follow? Cry out to God in every difficult situation?

This is a reminder for me right now because I am experiencing a tough situation with my chronic illness, and I need every help that I could get from God to tackle the unwanted battle. To hold near to him and trust him that it will be all right no matter what.

 Maybe we don’t feel abandoned by God, but the other way around. We cast him aside. His teaching, his calling, his words, and guidance. We want to be the boss of our own lives. We are not a slave of somebody, but slaves of ourselves. The enemy tempts us, probably. Like he tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. God is calling us, but our ears won’t listen because we are trapped by our own desires. Slaves of this world and our own desires that do not bring glory to God’s name and pollute our bodies and soul. Making our lives a mess.

Whatever it might be, we can cry out to God. Remember that He is willing to listen and help us if we seek Him with all our heart, soul, and spirit.

 God’s rescue doesn’t always come the moment we want it. God had promised to bring the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt ( Genesis 15:16, 46:3,4). The people had waited a long time for the promise to be fulfilled, but God rescued them when he knew the right time had come. God knows the best time to act. When we feel that God has forgotten us in our troubles, we should remember that God has a time schedule we couldn’t see.

Remember God is concerned about us, we only need to wait and trust.


Det ble ikke som planlagt, men

Dagen var planlagt, matpakkene var i boks og sola skinte. Vi skulle spise ut.

Men det blåste så mye og det var så kald.

Her skulle vi spise. At med Teksdal vatn. Det var bord og benker der.

Vi kjørte litt rundt for å finne et annet sted hvor det var ikke noe vind.

Men det blåste overalt. Vi kapitulerte og dro isteden hjem for å spise inne.

Etterpå koste oss isteden med Kværfjord kake som jeg hadde bakt tidlig på dagen:)

Det ble en fin dag likevel:)

Påskemat og påsketur

God morgen til deg fra Happy home:)

I gårsdagens innlegg nevnte jeg at jeg skulle stryke klær, steke vafler og grille mat og med eventuelt hjelp fra min elskede mann. Og ja, mannen hjalp med matlaging og spising:)

Vi spiste i hagestuen. Det var sommertemperatur inne fordi sola skinte.

Min elskede mann stekte vafler

Etter maten,  ble det ettermiddagshvil og tur etterpå. Herlig utsikt. Jeg lar bildene tale:)

Jeg håper at vi kan også kjøre en tur i dag.

Hva skal du gjøre i dag?

En lang, men innholdsrik dag

En solkinnende dag igjen her hos Happy home og jeg håper at solen er ikke fraværende hos deg også.

I går var det en lang, men innholdsrik dag for meg siden jeg var på aktivitetssenter og jobbet frivillig.

Fikk kommentar at jeg ser ut som en påskelilje:)

Jeg og sammen med andre frivillige pyntet og dekket bordet med litt påskefarge. Jeg kjøpte påskeservietter.

Vi serverte fiskeboller med bacon, potet og kål. Det var også frukt suppe ved siden av:)

En frivillig hadde med seg 3 barnebarn som spilte bingo sammen med oss og har vunnet premier og var så glade.

Det var Easter bingo

Og tallbingo

Og alle sammen hadde en kjempefin dag. Det gjør så innmari godt å kunne gjøre andre lykkelig. Man blir da lykkelig selv.

Etter frivilligjobben, ringte min søster og spurte om jeg vil være med til kaffe og treffe noen venninner og jeg sa ja.

Det var en stor høne som ventet på shoppingsenteret:)

Den glade gjengen. Jeg redigerte bort ansiktet mitt fordi jeg så veldig sliten ut:)

I dag skal jeg styrke klær, steke vafler og grille kotelletter til middag. Håper energilager holder for dagens gjøremål. Hvis ikke, min snille mann tar over grillingen:)

God påske:)

Believing is never a waste of time!

A Nobleman’s Son Healed

John 4:46-54

46 So Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee where He had made the water wine. And there was a certain [a]nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. 47 When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. 48 Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”

49 The nobleman said to Him, “Sir, come down before my child dies!”

50 Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So, the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. 51 And as he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying, “Your son lives!”

52 Then he inquired of them the hour when he got better. And they said to him, “Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.” 53 So the father knew that it was at the same hour in which Jesus said to him, “Your son lives.” And he himself believed, and his whole household.

54 This again is the second sign Jesus did when He had come out of Judea into Galilee.

Thoughts and lessons from this passage:

This passage tells me that Jesus not only listens to the lowly and the sinner but also the nobles and he hears their cries too. This miracle can also happen to me/you if we come to Jesus and believed no matter what kind of situation we are in. The nobleman heard about Jesus and he came to him to ask for help. 

It amazes me that the nobleman not only believed that Jesus could heal by laying on hands but also by just saying the word. It tells me how powerful Jesus’ words are. And if we truly believed that Jesus’ Word is powerful, we should come to him daily for our spiritual food. Not just listen to what others talk about Jesus, but desire to know what Jesus would say to us personally and what he can do to and for us. 

In addition, I/ you must not just believe that Jesus can take care of our problems, but we need to act on them if we can. It implies that if we pray about a need or a problem, live as though we believe Jesus can do what he says. 

My experience

It happened to me lately because of my sleeping problem. I prayed many times for Jesus to heal me, but to no avail, until I began thanking Jesus that he already did. Then, I began sleeping again.

The nobleman’s son was healed by Jesus’ word although he was many miles away. It means that Jesus is not limited by distance or even time. Christ has mastery over space. So, I/you can pray for our loved ones who are far away from us and can believe that Jesus can touch them too. 

The nobleman here is a good example of how I/you should be. First, he believed enough to ask Jesus to heal his son. Second, he believed in Jesus’ assurance that his son would live, and he acted on it. Third, he and his whole house believed in Jesus. It shows that faith is a gift that grows as we use it. 


Jesus dør