MetteJosteinsdatter inspirertte meg til å plukke hostens farger ut i naturen og i går gikk jeg en tur ute for å gjøre akkurat det. Været var samarbeidsvillig:)
God, before I take my requests to You, let me lift up my hands to You first in worship. To thank You for who You are, what You already have done, and for Your promises that will come to pass. To acknowledge Your goodness and kindness. Thank You that You are Sovereign and everything is under Your control. I can just release my worries to You and Your peace will saturate my soul.
Although I don’t feel like dancing, praising, and celebrating right now concerning my lack of energy, God, I can bow down before You and worship. Thank You that even in the midst of my aching heart, I can lean on Your faithfulness. In my pain, I can rely on Your healing. In lack, I can rely on Your provisions. And in my grief, I can rely on Your comfort.
I pray Oh God that no matter what my situation is, help me to follow Your direction. I thank You that I do not need to fear because You promised to Your children that we can be strong and courageous. That we do not need to be afraid, for You go with us, and You will never leave or forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:6.
Thank You that I can count on You, God. Thank You for the peace that comes from You, my perfect Father. Peace that is beyond understanding. More than I can comprehend and explain. But joyfully experienced.
Thank You that in Your presence, my anxiety will cease. You can fill my heart with joy unexplainable.
So, God, I pray that whatever I might be going through, help me put to put into practice what I am learning and hearing from You so that Your peace will never leave me. To fix my eyes on You the source of peace, the maker of peace, and the giver of peace. It is not like the peace that the world gives. It is Your peace that gives joy and hope.
When I am discouraged and life does not seem to be going my way, thank You that Your peace is in me and You are with me.
When it feels that I don’t succeed in whatever I am doing for You, You remind me that it is not my work but Your work through me.
When I am so tired, broken and have nothing more to give, You remind me that I can come to You to be renewed and be filled with what I need because You have a never-ending resource of everything.
When I feel alone and neglected, Your presence is more than enough to accompany me.
When my loved ones do not walk with You or do not have faith in You, You remind me that if I believe, I and my household will be saved. ( Acts 16:31) I just need to continually pray, reach, and share.
Thank You that although I lack in so many things, You can fill the void or the fill any gaps. The wisdom and insights that I need every day. The strength in my weakness and the courage to continue my battles. And if I am overwhelmed, I can cast my burdens to You and You will sustain me. Psalm 55:22.
Thank You that no matter how old I am, You still have a purpose in my life. I can turn my panic into prayers and Your peace will saturate my soul. I just need to fix my eyes on You and Your powerful Words and put into practice what Your Words say I would do. And thank You for Your powerful hands that help me and guide me to the right path. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen
Det er sopptid nå og det kryr av dem overalt. Da Mr. Happy og jeg gikk til kirkegård i går, så jeg disse soppene. Det kan hende at det går an å spise noen av de, men jeg torde ikke:)
Spiste isteden suppe til middag:)
Ellers mens Mr. Happy var opptatt med plommevinlaging, brukte jeg plommer til plommekake:)
Tok med halve av kaken til Sentrumkirken på sist søndag:)