Achieving goals

Devotion for today


I am just wondering if I have still a goal to achieve in my life considering my life situation now where I do not work anymore because of chronic disease? Well, I am still alive; therefore, I believe God still has a purpose for me here on earth.

Well, for one thing, because of my chronic sickness, my goal should be to get well. And then I set into motion what I can do to make my situation better. Like I do not let pain or fatigue hinder me from enjoying life. I force myself to do exercises that suit my body every day and do household chores so that I will not stay in bed whole the day. And I do write and read when my brain is not foggy. And most especially, I try to stay connected with family and friends and share God’s goodness whenever I can.

Another goal that I have in my life now is to reach others for Christ. To be the woman God intended me to be despite my chronic illness. With God anyway, I can overcome.

So, I intentionally, spend time with God in prayer and reading His Word. And the more I do it, the more I find joy in doing it. God’s Word is like a never-ending treasure storage that has everything for everyone’s needs. And since I have plenty of time now…why not use it in things that matter the most?


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