Do you lack wisdom?


In this verse, God is telling us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask him who gives generously to all without finding fault.  When I think about it, we need to ask God for wisdom every day because we make decisions each day about which thoughts we should think, the right words to speak, the right movies or series to watch, articles or news to read or listen and which people we should let in our lives, and whom we should give help or not.

We need wisdom too on how to use the blessings that God is giving us like money, time, abilities, resources, talents, knowledge, and strength. In addition, we need wisdom from God on how to treat people with whom we interact every day and most important of all, how to share the good news.

When we think about it, we are very much dependent on God in everything if we want to follow his plan for our lives.

The best thing to do of course is to stay in contact with God 24/7. It said also in the verse that God gives wisdom generously without finding fault. We can just ask God no matter what it is that is troubling us because He loves us and want the best for us. And when God grants us the wisdom that we asked, we ought to do what he says we should do or else why should we ask anyway if we don’t want to obey?

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the reminder to ask You for wisdom. It made me realize that I need to ask You a lot concerning my life and the lives of my loved ones. As for myself, I really need wisdom from You badly because my brain is constantly foggy and many times, I could not think clearly. So, I thank You that I can come to You and ask for help.

I pray Lord for each one of us not to adapt wisdom from this world that takes us away from You. I pray Lord that our hearts will desire more of You and less of the world and all its glitters of lies and short-term happiness. I pray that we should not just ask You for wisdom just to know Your opinion and obey if it is convenient. But ask You with the aim to obey what you will tell us to do. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen


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