God in a box?


In my devotion time today, I read about putting God in a box or in man-made idols who cannot move. And honestly, a lot of people do that, and I think sometimes I do too. I limit what God can do by worrying and asking why God cannot do this and that. I am very impatient with a lot of things. But I thank God for the reminder that His timetable is better than mine and I just need to wait and be thankful that my life is not in my hands.

And if God gave us Jesus’ very life, then He also has time for our problems. Our God is the one “who can do it all.” He is the best multitasker. He can comfort us while guiding someone else to the right path. He can call us to sacrifice something while giving honor to someone else on the other side of the world. God is everywhere that is why we cannot put Him in a box. How could we do that to the “One” who created the whole universe?

Besides, He is our “Abba Father.” He knows us, he sees us, he feels our pains, and he desires to have a deep and meaningful relationship with us. And we can meet Him wherever we are and whatever kind of situations we are into. He loves and cherishes us so much that we can be assured that with God, we can do the impossible.

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”




2 kommentarer

    1. Fint å reflektere litt ! Har lest og sett flotte bilder fra Filippinene.. spennende mat ser det ut som ..men aldri smakt… God helg <3

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