In the garden


Genesis 2:8 The Lord God had planted a garden in the East, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.

Thought about the verse:

It tells me that wherever God will put us, He will prepare first a place for us. Although we cannot see the whole picture, but still have a plan for us to succeed.

Just think of this world and the universe that He created for us. So much beauty and wonder.

And think of the garden of Eden that He made for Adam and Eve. It was for sure a perfect garden with colorful flowers that bloomed and fruit trees to enjoy both the fruit and the shades.

But no matter where we are, we are going to be attacked by the enemy and therefore God has given us talents and gifts that we can use to navigate this world. He had given us his Word as our weapon for our everyday battles. And if we don’t want to sin, we should stay close to our Creator every moment of time.


Dear God, thank You for Your creations and for creating us. For all the talents and gifts that you bestowed on us. And for Your powerful words. Let us use all the things that we are given to do good work and to win our battles. And most especially, to grow closer to You. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

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