Endelig, min sønns to ukers opphold i Japan tok slutt. Og nå er han på vei hjem til å feire julen sammen med familien:)
Vel, han hadde jobbet og koset seg der i Japan.
Og jeg hjemme i Norge. Lager snømann:)
Feirer du jul hjemme?
Endelig, min sønns to ukers opphold i Japan tok slutt. Og nå er han på vei hjem til å feire julen sammen med familien:)
Vel, han hadde jobbet og koset seg der i Japan.
Og jeg hjemme i Norge. Lager snømann:)
Feirer du jul hjemme?
Det kom mye snø i går og i natt. Og jeg synes synd på Mr. Happy som må måke snø. Jeg tenker på hjertet hans. Men jeg kunne ikke hjelpe heller for jeg har null energi og hodet snurrer rundt.
Det er virkelig vinter i anmarsj
I går var jeg på en begravelse og det var skikkelig dårlig vær. Det blåste og det snødd mye. Vi var helt våte under jordforkastelsen.
Men det gikk bedre med kroppene da vi fikk sodd og masse kaker under minnestund. Det var masse folk som kom i begravelsen, men trist allikevel.
I dag får vi besøk av datteren vår og kjæresten. Vi skal servere rakk ørret og gravlaks. Håper middagen blir vellykket.
Hva skal du gjøre i dag?
Isende kaldt ute, men vi dro likevel til kirkegård i forigår for å se om vi trengte å skifte batteri i lyktene i gravene vi bruker å besøke. Men lyktene lyste fortsatt, så vi trengte ikke å skifte batteri. Traff en kjente der som stelte også gravene til familien som har gått bort.
Etterpå var vi innom en gård for å kjøpe egg og en butikk for å handle litt matvarer. Jeg synes jeg er ofte på butikken nå for tiden:)
For noen dager siden ga jeg hjemmelaget kort til naboene og i går en av dem ga oss hjemmelaget produkter. Lykke:)
Hele formiddagen i går tilbrakte jeg til legekontoret fordi det var et eller annet som ikke stemte med kroppen.
Etter besøket fra legen var jeg så sulten. Woket grønnsaker, svinekjøtt og glassnudler til middag.
Etter middagshvil tok jeg fatt på heklingen og Jane ble ferdig. Det er apekatten igjen:)
Ellers jeg skal til en begravelse i dag. En venninne som er så ung er blitt en enke. Trist når slike ting skjer særlig likefør jul.
Takk for titten og kos deg med dagen.
Devotion for the day
Isaiah 4:1-6
In verse one it talks about seven women who asked a man to take out their disgrace. I am thinking of one man who is willing to do what they asked. He is Our Savior. He did that to me and will do that to all who come to Him.
In verse two, it says that the “Branch of the Lord” will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be pride and glory. Although this promise was specified to all the survivors in Israel, however, after receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we became Abraham’s descendants (Israelites) too. I believe that we have been ingrafted to the vine (God) and we are now the branches of the Lord. So, we can claim those promises. We will be called holy. The Lord will wash away our filth and cleanse us. God will be our canopy of protection. Shelter and shade from the storms of life.
Yes…Mr Happy og jeg har bryllupsdag i dag. 33 lykkelige år:)
Fikk blomster oppsatt fra min kjære. Takknemlig:)
Det blir vel litt god middag i dag. Datteren vår kommer på besøk:)
Jeg har begynt med et nytt hekleprosjekt. Jeg kal hekle Jane og apekatten hennes.
Info om Jane.
Og her er min begynnelse:) Det går sent når kroppen er i ulage, men litt om gangen. Publiserer når jeg blir ferdig:)
Har du noe prosjekt på gang?
Father God, many times in our lives, we have been lost, confused, or discouraged. Not only on navigating to uncertain places but also during the course of our lives. When sickness abounds, we can be frightened and might think that our future here on earth is near the end. Maybe, when pain is unbearable, we get so depressed and wish that everything will end.
It seems that whenever we turn to, there is something that makes our hearts ache and our brain to be overwhelmed. But thank You for the reminder that as You were with the Israelites when they left Egypt, You are also with us. You led them around by the way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. You divided the Red Sea for them to cross over and protected them from their enemies. You sent the pillar of clouds to protect and guide them night and day. You provided manna and quails for them to eat when they were hungry. But along the way, they complained and murmured because they were hungry, thirsty, and weary.
Pretty much like us, I suppose in this generation of believers. We can also complain when the going gets tough. We ask where You are in the midst of suffering and wonder what we are going to do in challenges that come along the way.
God, open our eyes to see Your hands in everything and if what is happening in our lives was a consequence of our wrong decisions or sins, make us aware God so that we can repent and ask for forgiveness.
Thank You for the promise that if we confess our sins, you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins. (1 John 1:9) And that everything works together for good to those who love You. (Rom. 8:28)
Thank You that You are aware of our greatest needs. Your presence will carry us through in our worst nightmares. Open our eyes to see your purpose in every situation whether good or bad. Help us to obey no matter how hard the task might be. With You anyway, there will be no impossible endeavor.
Thank You Jesus that in our darkest moments, when we feel discouraged by people around us, feeling unloved or abandoned, we can look at You. The light of the world. The one who went through suffering and won. With You there is hope. No darkness you cannot penetrate. And if we are lost, You are the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6) We can depend on You because You are our Good Shepherd who provides for our needs. And in You, we can find deliverance and eternal life.
I pray then Lord that we will lean unto Your guidance. To be attuned to Your voice so that we will know when You are speaking to us especially when a storm hits our lives or when everything is alright, and we forget where all the blessings come from.
Let us pause, be silent, watch, and really align our ears to You so that we can both see Your guidance and feel Your comfort.
Thank You for being with us now even in the darkest and most difficult moments in our lives as You were with the Israelites in the wilderness. Because Your promises apply also to us who believe. Glory to Your name Father. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen
Read Exodus 13/John 8:12-30/ Psalm 23