It tells me that wherever God will put us, He will prepare first a place for us. Although we cannot see the whole picture, but still have a plan for us to succeed.
Just think of this world and the universe that He created for us. So much beauty and wonder.
And think of the garden of Eden that He made for Adam and Eve. It was for sure a perfect garden with colorful flowers that bloomed and fruit trees to enjoy both the fruit and the shades.
But no matter where we are, we are going to be attacked by the enemy and therefore God has given us talents and gifts that we can use to navigate this world. He had given us his Word as our weapon for our everyday battles. And if we don’t want to sin, we should stay close to our Creator every moment of time.
Dear God, thank You for Your creations and for creating us. For all the talents and gifts that you bestowed on us. And for Your powerful words. Let us use all the things that we are given to do good work and to win our battles. And most especially, to grow closer to You. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen
Jeg har vært hjemme i over to uker nå, men fortsatt har jeg en del opplevelser på Filippinene som jeg ennå ikke har delt. Blant annet frokost på Malagos Resort jeg og min datter Michelle besøkte.
Det er like greit med variasjon av mat innlegg for jeg tror jeg hadde delt julemiddag flere ganger allerede som besto av ribbe og tilbehør:)
Men nå er det tilbake til brødskive og brunost:) Det er bra det for jeg kunne ikke spise frokostbuffet hverdag for da kommer jeg til å bli kjempestor:)
Ettersom det er så kaldt ute, brukte jeg tiden i går til å lage julekortene ut fra materialene jeg hadde. Og det ble en del som gis bort til venner og kjente. Så artig å få det til.
In this passage, Jesus was tempted by Satan although Jesus was the Son of God. It tells me that no one can escape Satan’s temptations. Well, when we are tempted, we can turn it around by showing true obedience to God like Jesus did. Being tempted is also an opportunity to show God that we are obedient. And because we know that we are going to be tempted, we should be alert and be ready for it.
The devil who is also called Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, and here he tempted Jesus in the desert. Satan, who was a fallen angel, is constantly fighting against those who follow and obey God. He is always trying to make us live his way or our way rather than God’s way. When temptations seem really strong or when we think that we can rationalize giving in, consider whether Satan may be trying to block God’s purpose in our lives.
Jesus’ temptations gives us examples to follow when we are tempted. Be bold, don’t give in, and use the word of God to silence the enemy.
Jesus was tempted by the devil, but he never sinned. Temptation itself is not a sin, but if we give in and disobey God, then it is will be a sin.
Keep it in mind that Satan tries every moment to tempt us especially when we are vulnerable like if we are hungry and weak (like Jesus), when we are under physical or emotional stress, (for ex. lonely, tired, weighing big decisions, or faced with uncertainty.
He also tempts us through our strengths, (where we are going to use them) where we are most easily to be proud. Maybe if we are successful in many ways, we can begin to look down on others or use success to brag. So we must guard all the time against his attacks. We must turn to God when we are tempted.
The devil’s temptations are focused on three areas: 1. physical needs and desire, possessions and power, and pride.
We too may be tempted to satisfy a perfectly normal desire in the wrong way or at the wrong time. But God wants us to satisfy them in the right way and at the right time all the time.
Jesus was able to resist all the devil’s temptations because he not only knew the Scripture, but he also obeyed it. Knowing bible verses is an important step in helping us resist the devil’s attack, but we must also obey what those verses tell us to do. Note that Satan had memorized the Scripture, but he failed to obey it. Knowing and obeying the Bible helps us to follow God’s desires rather than the devil’s
In verses 5-7, Satan tempted Jesus to show that He is truly the Son of God. Maybe we are tempted to ask God to do something to prove His existence or his love for us. But God wants us to live by faith. Not by magic. And come to think of it, the whole universe and we are already more than enough signs that God really exists.
The devil used Scripture to try to convince Jesus to sin. Sometimes people around us will present attractive and convincing reasons why we should try something we know is wrong. They may even find a Bible verse to support their viewpoint. We should study the Bible carefully, especially the broader contexts of specific verses, so that we understand God’s principles for living and what He wants for our lives. Only if we understand the whole Bible will we be able to recognize errors of interpretation when people take verses out of context and twist them to say what they want them to say.
In verses 4-8-9 The devil offered the whole world to Jesus if he would only bow down and worship him. Today the devil offers us the world by trying to entice us with materialism and power. We can resist temptations the same way Jesus did. If we find ourselves craving something that the world offers, we must quote Jesus’ words to the devil.: “Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.
Teksten forteller at en dag skal Herrens tempel stå grunnfestet høyt over fjell og løfte seg opp over høydene. Dit skal alle folkeslag strømme. At det er mange folk som drar av sted og sier:” Kom, la oss gå opp til Herrens fjell, til Jacobs Guds hus, så han kan lære oss sine veier, og vi kan ferdes på hans stier.
Som Guds barn, vi bør jo egentlig ikke vente på den dagen, men at vi bør tilbe Gud hvor enn vi er nå. Meditere hans ord slik at vi lærer den veien vi bør gå og vandre på Hans lys. Det forteller meg også at en dag skal rettferdigheten seire og det blir fred. Det er betryggende og godt å lese at en dag blir det slutt på elendighetene.
Hvor søker vi? Teksten sier meg at Gud ikke liker at vi søker varsel fra ikke troende. Folk som driver med spådom og at vi skal også ikke delta i hva de holder på med. Som å tilbe avguder som ble laget av deres egne hender. Formet med deres fingre. Gud har fastsatt en dom over alt som er stort og stolt, over alt som rager opp og gjør akkurat alt som passer dem. Den dagen blir mannens stolthet bøyd, og hovmodige mennesker blir ydmyket ifølge teksten. Det forteller meg at vi bør være ydmyke i all vår ferd. Erkjenne at det er Gud som er over oss og våre liv er i Hans hender.
Avguder Når dommen kommer en dag, da skal folk skjønne at deres avguder kunne ikke frelse dem. Gud sa i teksten at folket bør ikke stole på mennesker for hver en har bare en pust i nese. Det forteller meg at hver og en bør sette sin lit bare til Gud fordi mennesker kan svikte eller lede andre til fortapelse.
Far, hjelp oss hver dag til å søke Ditt nærvær. Fyll hjertene med lengsel til å høre fra Deg i bønn og gjennom å lese Dine ord. Åpne ørene våre til sannheten. Hjelp oss til å se hvilke avguder vi dyrker slik at vi kvitter oss med dem. Og vi skal bare tilbe Deg som råder over alle og har gode tanker om oss. Jeg ber det i Jesu navn. Amen