Har du hørt et ordtak fra bibelen som sier at tro kan flytte et fjell? Hva er ditt fjell? Økonomi, jobb, sykdom, familie, venner, karriere, listen kan være uendelig.
Dagens ord minner meg om at troen min blir min skjebne. Så, jeg bør vel praktisere min tro der det trengs. Hva med deg? Hva er ditt fjell?
Vi hører lyd fra alle kanter. Gå denne veien for den er den rette og mens på andre siden roper den samme? Hva bør vi velge? Hva er sannhet for deg og hvilke regler følger du i livet ditt?
I livets bok (bibel) er det mye visdom å finne og der søker jeg sannheten for jeg tror Gud lyver ikke. Det er min leveregler.
God lørdagsmorgen til deg fra “Happy Castle.” Ute uler vinden. Det lover ikke fint vær. 100 prosent regn i følge værvarsel. Kanskje det blir billigere strøm når det regner mye?
Det blir godt å oppholde seg innendørs i hvert fall.
Deler ord til ettertanke. Verden gir oss så mye å bekymre seg for og å være urolig. Kanskje disse ordene hjelper litt.
I dag er jeg velsignet med grått vær, sludd og regn ute. Vaktene mine klarer ikke å håndtere med været så de fikk være slappe av:) Ikke noe problem…jeg har masse lys hjemme. Må vel bidra til strømregningen:)
Koset også med en god middag. Fant en stor ribbe i fryseboks, delte dem i to. Den ene delen marinerte jeg til å grille og og den andre delen laget jeg gryterett. Gryteretten består av hvitløk, løk, tomatpuree, tabasco, kjøttbuljong, salt, mais, gulrøtter, bønner og sopp og svinekjøtt. Selv komponerte middag. Jeg hadde litt sukker også i gryteretten til å avrunde smaken av tabasco. Og det gjorde under:)
Spiste med kokt mandel potet. Vi skulle egentlig hatt salat, men vi orket ikke å dra til butikken. Mett ble jeg og mannen min likevel.
Forresten ettersom jeg hadde tatt livet av mange planter i det siste, kjøpte jeg nye sist tirsdag. Håper den varer lenger en en uke:)
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:19 (NIV)
Have you noticed that fear makes you miserable? Looking at your life and the future with eyes of fear will never produce joy.
After the spies gave their reports of the Promised Land to Moses—most of them negative—here’s how the Israelites responded: “Then the whole community began weeping aloud, and they cried all night. Their voices rose in a great chorus of protest against Moses and Aaron. ‘If only we had died in Egypt, or even here in the wilderness!’ they complained” (Numbers 14:1-2 NLT).
Now, that’s what you call a full-blown pity party. The Israelites were so afraid of what was going to happen, that they just wanted to die in the desert rather than trust whatever God had in store for them.
These verses from Numbers 14 include four warning signs. When these warnings show up in your life, you will know that you’re looking at the future with eyes of fear.
Your sadness increases. Depression can be caused by a lot of things, and it robs you of joy. If you feel sadness pushing out your joy, consider whether you’re allowing fear to skew your perspective.
Your complaining increases. When you’re afraid, you want others to share in your misery. If you don’t think you’ve been complaining more lately, check with your spouse or your friends. Sometimes they can see how your fear is manifesting itself better than you can.
You start second-guessing. The Israelites all complained about the very people who had led them out of slavery. Fear always sows seeds of doubt.
You want to go backwards. Because their perspective was so skewed by fear, the Israelites thought it would be better to die in slavery in Egypt. Of course, they didn’t really want that. But when you’re living with a vision of fear instead of faith, you can’t look at the future with hope.
You don’t want to be someone who complains and is always looking back. That’s why God wants you to see the future through eyes of faith, not fear. Start growing your faith today by reserving intentional time with God and in his Word, which says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 NIV).
The more you get to know God and his promises, the more purposefully and joyfully you will move toward your future. (shared by Rick Warren)
God morgen til deg:) Har vært fraværende i går da hjernen var ubrukelig, men jeg lever fortsatt:) Og det er jo bra. Mye å glede seg denne måned med Valentinsdag og morsdag. Og jeg kan feire de sammen med min sjømann som er hjem nå. Det er jo en glede det også å se frem til noe slik at man ikke blir fokusert på alt elendighet i verden.
Yey! I dag er første dagen i februar måned. Kjærlighets måned.
Og i dag, er det bursdag av et av mine barnebarn. Sendte han en kake. Det står Love, Mama Gaying. Det er meg og mitt kallenavn på Filippinene. Han vil ikke titulere meg som bestemor fordi det gjør meg gammel sa han. Så, det ble “Mama.” Og jen kan være mammaen hans ettersom han hadde mistet sin mor i 2020.
Sendte han en hilsen!
Og fordi det er kjærlighets måned, avslutter jeg med sitater om kjærlighet.
Har du hørt sitatene før?
Har du eller noen du kjenner bursdag i denne måned?
1. Positivity does not mean ignoring the negativity around you, it means overcoming the negativity within you. There is a big difference between the two. The peace, happiness, and effectiveness of your life greatly depends on the quality of your thoughts.
2. On an average day, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your response and all that extra stress is gone. Truly, inner calmness among chaos is a superpower that frees you to focus more effectively on what actually matters.
3. The trick is to be present. Don’t wish away all your days waiting for better ones ahead. Just appreciate where you are today. You’ve come a long way, and you’re still learning and growing. Be thankful for the lessons. Take them and make the best of things right now.
4. You don’t need to attend every petty argument you are invited to. Take this to heart and your future self will appreciate it. Because as you age, you will learn to value your time, heartfelt moments with loved ones, and peace of mind, much more. Little else will matter.
5. Everyone you encounter is struggling in some way. Some people are just better at hiding it. So even when you have good reason to be angry, don’t be hateful. Rise up, with boundaries and grace. Remind yourself that peace is not the absence of pain, but the presence of love.
The bottom line is, despite the real-world challenges your face, the biggest and most complex obstacle you will ever have to personally overcome is your own mind.In other words, you aren’t responsible for everything that happens to you in life, but you ARE responsible for undoing the self-defeating thinking and behavioral patterns that these undesirable experiences create.
YES, YOU CAN THINK BETTER, which means you can tap into your inner strength and ultimately live better.
And yes, of course that’s sometimes easier said than done.
Thinking better when you’re in the heat of a tough moment takes guidance and practice.