Is it crazy?

Is it crazy?

Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you. Matthew 5:44

Thoughts from this verse.

Actually, at this time of my life, I don’t think I have enemies….but one can never know. I am thinking…who my enemies might be? The first thing that I know is the devil. But I of course could not love him! But maybe people that the devil is using people to make my life miserable? Then, I just have to love them because they do not know that they are under the influence of the devil and are lost? Show them that is better to be influenced by God instead?

It is said that pray for those who hurt us. Well, I heard someone that said that if he is going to do  that…it will be a never-ending prayer.

I might agree with him because when I began to think about it… many people hurt us. Maybe people that we are not in direct contact with like the criminals who hurt or abuse innocent people. Those who molest children. Those that steal and those that have a bad mouth. Godless people who curse or ignore God. Believers that criticize each other and could not agree on who is right and who is wrong. Unforgiving people and proud people. And they are everywhere.

I am just wondering if we are God’s enemies before we repented? Probably because Satan is his enemy and once, we were in his domain, and we acted like him. Sinning and doing our own thing. Not Wordy, but worldly.

Come to think of it, I believe we still hurt God by taking His love for granted. By following our desires than His Word. By using so much time on other things than pursuing what God had called us to do.  May God have mercy on us.

I think the verse just reminds us how BIG IS THE LOVE OF GOD. He died for us when we are still sinners. He did not ask us to die for our enemies. Just to love and pray for them. Anyway, if we do, we will not lose something. We will be just Christlike. And that is what matters the most.

Prayer: Dear God…it is not really easy loving our enemies. It is difficult enough loving people that are not our enemies. Like, people, we don’t know or have no part in our everyday lives. Or the criminals….bad people. But, I supposed that with You in our hearts, it can be possible.

Father, put it in our hearts whom we needed to pray for every day. And I pray also that we will not hurt other people. And as You had forgiven us, we should always and always forgive. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

Kaste ikke bort…

Det er mye vi kaste bort her i livet eller angrer på særlig våre feil. Men tenkt det….det er også lærdom i disse tingene.

Ha en fin dag🥰

When in doubt!



God will continue to be true even when every person is false. Romans 3:4

Thoughts about this verse:

True or false. In this modern world, a lot of things that are true before became false nowadays and vice versa. People are twisting the truth especially the Word of God.

But as a believer, my/your preference should be the Word of God. The world says it is ok to tell white lies, but the word of God says that it is not. So, we should not lie.

The world says it is ok to have premarital sex, but the Word of God calls it fornication which is a sin.

The world says it is ok to take revenge, but the Word of God says vengeance is His and that we as believers should forgive and love our enemies.

The enemy can tell us that we are weak and good for nothing. Or he can say that we can do anything we want, be whatever we want although other people suffer for it as long as it makes us happy. He can tempt us with worldly goods so that our eyes will not be focused on the Word of God. But as believers, we should choose the Word of God as the truth because it is the real truth.



God says that we are wonderfully made. With God in us, nothing can be impossible for us. In addition, we don’t need to seek the world and everything in it because it can cost us our souls. God promised that if we seek His kingdom first and its righteousness, everything will be added unto us.

The verse says that God will continue to be true even when every person is false. It means we can always trust God no matter what.

Prayer: Dear God, this world and the enemy are bombarding us with false truth every day. So, I pray Oh God that we will remain steadfast to the truth of Your Word. That we will meditate on it, chew it bit by bit, divide it into thousand pieces, dive in the treasure in it, and live after it. The reward then is to be in Your Holy presence now and eternity.

We are very lucky though to be in Your presence Oh God because You speak the truth in love. Where the spring of life comes and where there is no darkness at all. You have the love that surpasses all. Love that never ends.  In You, we can have peace during turbulence. We are provided in times of drought. And most of all, we are saved from destruction. Glory to Your name Oh Father. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

Siste natt, blomster og bursdag

Yey! Min sjømann kom endelig hjem i går kveld. Dette bildet tok han den siste natten han sov på båten før han dro hjem.

Ettersom han var om bord da han hadde bursdag sist, fikk han en blomsterbukett fra meg da han kom hjem. Jeg mener at det er ikke bare han som skulle gi meg blomster. Han fortjener blomster han også.

Jeg laget også denne deilig middagen til oss. Den er kjempegod.

Oppskriften er her, men jeg tilsatte mer kvitløk, kyllingbuljong og chili. Og den ble ekstra god:) Mannen synes det også.

Jeg bakte ikke kake, men kjøpte iskake isteden. Den er også veldig god.

Bursdagsbarnet fikk det han hadde ønsket. En ny toalett mappe som han bruker hver gang han reiser om bord.

Og god kaffe fra datteren vår. Han elsker jo kaffe. Ikke dyre gaver, men tanken som teller og han var veldig fornøyd.

Kjøper du blomster til din mann eller kjæreste?

Ser ut som en troll!

Denne morgenen

Og i natt

Dagens inspirasjon

Ha en fin dag:)

Quotes to inspire


Smil og bli inspirert:)

Jeg vil bare få deg til å smile med denne hunden som datteren min passet på i helga. Hunden er bare søt:)

Inspirere deg til å spise på en Japansk restaurant i  Oslo hvor min datter spiste sist fredag da hun ble invitert til bursdag. Maten ser deilig ut:)

Og hvis du sliter med livet…husk:

Og til meg og kanskje deg som sliter med helsa:

Ellers har jeg sovet som en baby i natt. Herlig!

Så, nå  er jeg allerede ferdig meg dagens trening og å stryke klær.

Det føles som jeg har allerede brukt opp energi depoten min for i dag.

Men….ikke noe problem. Jeg kan hvile resten av dagen:)

Ha en fin dag til deg:)


Lykke når det regner…

Yey! Jeg er så innmari glad for jeg fikk sove 5 timer i natt. Rekord! Så selv om det regnet da jeg våknet i dag, er jeg lykkelig.

Lykken er også å få morgen hilsen fra min sjømann med nydelig soloppgang fra havet.

Og selv om det regner vi kan vise kjærtegn til hverandre. Lykke!

Har nettopp chattet med mine barnebarn på Filippinene og litt senere med mine barn der. Dagens lykke sammen med familien.

Har nettopp skiftet til nytt sengetøy på soverommet. Lykken er å kunne kjenne duften av nyvasket sengetøy når jeg skal sove i natt.

Akkurat nå, skal jeg finne på en god bok gjennom Storytel app. Slik at jeg kan vandre i andre manns verden når det er bare grått og regn ute.

Ha en fin dag!


En lang dag!

Vel, dagen er ikke ferdig ennå, men jeg skal snakke om gårsdagen som jeg synes var veldig lang ettersom jeg sov bare få timer om natta. Prøvde å få litt søvn på formiddagen, men fikk ikke det til. Jeg var for oppspilt fordi jeg skulle til sykehus for å ta CT.

Ettersom jeg var veldig svimmel kunne jeg ikke kjøre selv og fikk derfor egen transport gjennom Pasient Reiser og ble hentet av bil 12.10.

Jeg var alene passasjer i taxien som jeg syntes var greit for jeg hadde ikke hjerne til å prate mye med folk. Pratet litt med sjåføren da for høflighet skyld.

Fine høstfarger på vei til sykehus.

Ankommet sykehuset kvart på 2 og fikk kontrast væske å drikke før undersøkelsen 16.35.

En kvalmende drikke, men det gikk bra. Skulle også faste 4 timer før undersøkelsen.

Lang ventetid derfor var det greit å kunne se på Netflix gjennom min telefon.

Så denne serien.

Serien fikk meg til både le og gråte og det var også en tankevekkende serie. Vakkert.

Min datter på Filippinene så den før meg og laget sitat fra filmen.

Da jeg kom hjem I sju tiden var det bare å finne matrester til å fylle min sultende mage.

Skulle tro at jeg var sliten og trøtt at jeg ville klare å sove med en gang, men sovnet før etter klokka 2 i natt og våknet i femtiden. Ikke mye søvn heller. Kanskje jeg skal tilkalle meg selv ” den søvnløse kjerring.”

Dagens ord passer til meg tror jeg.

Og nå må jeg fortsette med dagens husvask i sakte tempo. Sjømannen kommer hjem kommende tirsdag og han må få slippe å vaske hus første dag han er hjemme:)

Imens må han jobbe. Bilde fra min sjømann.

Vel, det var min ” lang dag.”

Jeg får vel prøve å lage en god dag i dag til tross.

Avslutter med denne. Lånt fra Instagram.

Ha fortsatt en fin dag!




Psalm 65:5-11 You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas, who formed the mountains by your power, having armed yourself with strength, who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations. The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy. You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it. You drench its furrows and level its ridges; you soften it with showers and bless its crops. You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.

Thoughts from this passage:

This passage reminds us that when God answers our prayers, it will be awesome, and it will be right. So, we should expect joyfully. Having God as our Savior should make us feel safe in this dangerous world. And when the going gets tough, we can put our hope in Him because He is powerful. Like he formed the mountains and all their beauty, He formed us too unique and one of a kind.  Indeed, we are because we are created with the hands of the most magnificent God.

And if don’t have peace because of the storms in our lives or turmoil in the midst of us, we can seek His presence because in Him there is peace. He can still make the impossible possible today as He had done before. With Him, we can sing praises and be full of joy even if our lives seem to be so dark or everything seems hopeless.

 He promised to drench furrows in our lives so that we will not wither. He can level ridges in our lives so that we will not stumble. And He is a God that blesses us bountifully so that we don’t need to worry in times of need. Our God is truly a BIG GOD!


Dearest amazing Father, I thank You for Your awesome deeds both the visible and the unseen. You answer our prayers with awesome deeds of righteousness. Because You are our Savior and we can put our hope in You, we can forever feel secure. With You, we can climb the highest mountains of problems. We can travel to the farthest places because You will be there too. And if we lack strength, we can hold on to You because You are our strong God. You can still any noise that this world keeps bombarding our ears. You can calm our life storms. In inconvenience, You help us to feel safe and trust in You.

How wonderful are You works Oh God. Indescribable, unfathomable, and so marvelous. Your hand paintings in every sunrise and sunset are so amazing Oh God and always new every waking of the dawn.

Thank You for sending rain that waters the earth…Your water that quenches our thirst. Your Word that enriches our souls. Thank You that the spring of life that comes from You will never run dry.  You fill the gaps in our lives and helps us travel the narrow path that leads to You. Thank You that with You as our BIG GOD, we can speak big things to happen in our lives. Praise be to Your Holy name. In Jesus’ name, I give thanks. Amen