This verse tells me/ you that as long as we have hope, we will not be disappointed because God has poured his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. It is not our work, but God through the Holy Spirit. I/you then should believe that God’s love is in our hearts and that is why we can still hope for the best. Hope that God will give us a second chance if we fail. If we fail to trust him if we doubt or sin. Or if this world is hopeless.
We were a hopeless case once, but God transformed our lives and He had given us new hope. New life and the promise of eternal life.
We were redeemed from our past by God, so we can count on Him with our present and our future. It includes our current situations or any problems that might come tomorrow.
God is unlimited and although there are countless emergencies everywhere, He can still hear our cries of help. He can infuse us with strength and power so that His purpose in our lives will be accomplished. He promised in Psalm 29:11 that He gives strength to His people and blesses them with peace. And in 2. Timothy 1:7 He said that He has given us power, love, and self-discipline
Endelig…endelig fikk jeg tid til å blogge litt. Jeg har vært opptatt med å kose med familien på besøk og dermed ble blogging av og få. Og i løpet av den tiden jeg har vært borte, ble en del bilder å vise frem som solnedganger og soloppganger fra min sjømann.
Jeg fylte 60 år for noen dager siden og de eldre fra jobben sendte en fin blomsterplante til meg og ettersom jeg savnet dem, besøkte jeg dem i går og jeg tok med meg kake.
De sang bursdagssangen til meg og jeg spilte også en runde med bingo sammen med dem. Vi var glade alle sammen.
Etter det dro jeg til min søster som bor i nærheten sammen med min datter og barnebarn som er på besøk hos meg. Vi var invitert til lunsj og fikk servert pizza. Nydelig godt.
This Word from God is what His children need today especially me. Fear nowadays is common in most people because of the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. Believers or not. People ask “Would it lead to World war 3? “This war is already causing economic crisis everywhere and come to think of it that a lot of people are still struggling because of the aftermath of covid-virus.
But, it is not God who gives fear to people. It is the world. God gives us courage and boldness. Courage to face adversity and boldness to proclaim that God is still powerful and had everything under control. As long as we believed in Him, we are in the right place whether we live or die. He has given us power according to His Word. That power is what we need to be able to fight and to hold on when the going gets tough. And love that God gives covers all. And with God’s help, we can discipline ourselves to where it is needed. Of course as humans, we might get afraid, worry, and maybe wonder if it is the end of the world. But in order to keep going, we need to put our trust in God.
The best thing I believe that I and you can do is to turn to God. Ask Him for the power to have faith, to be courageous, and be bold to face our fears.
If we need the self-discipline to break a bad habit like procrastination, worrying, or trusting more of ourselves and the world, than to trust God, then we can also ask God for help.
Prayer: Dearest Father in heaven. You see the world situation lately and it seems that everything is getting worst. Evil is everywhere. Some are so hungry for power that they kill and destroy just to have power over other people. And it seems that these evil people are gaining ground. But Lord, their days are numbered too and they must not think that people’s lives are in their hands. Father, help us to trust in Your promises. Not to fear people but help us to show that our God is more powerful than evil. Let us be channels of peace and love. Be people of faith although it is faith like a mustard seed because it is enough to move mountains. Thank You, Lord, that with You, we can face the future no matter what it brings. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
Været var nydelig, men fortsatt var det snø i sikte. Vatnene var fortsatt frosne. Vi skulle hente min andre datter og barnebarn som skulle komme fra Filippinene den dagen. Utsikt ” on the road .”
Min sjåfør:) Yngste datter.
Men først skulle vi besøke en neise som har nettopp fått en nydelig gutt som bor like ved flyplassen.
Min andre datter og barnebarn reiste fra Filippinene fredag og de ankommet til Værnes lørdag klokka 21.00. Det var mye styr med bagasjene som skulle sendes direkte til Værnes fra Filippinene, men plutselig ble det likevel ikke gjort og dermed mistet dem tidligere fly. Heldigvis fikk dem ombooket billettene og fikk hentet koffertene. Og her er de. Værnes.
Men jeg bor flere timers kjøring fra flyplassen pluss ferja og derfor var vi ikke hjemme før halv ett om natten. Det ble søndag.
Vi fikk noen timer søvn og i går før min yngste datter dro tilbake til hjem til seg selv, rakk vi å spise middag sammen.
Og derfor jeg er en lykkelig dame. Skal fremover kose meg med besøk fra Filippinene.
Reflection: God wants me/you to rejoice always. It means no matter what is happening in our lives, what kind of troubles we have, or even if we are sick, we should rejoice. Not only that, God wants us to be thankful under all circumstances. Whether there are viruses around us or wars nearby. Rejoice said, God.
As a human, it is quite a challenge because we are people with feelings and if we are hurt or having difficulties, the last thing we do is to be thankful. But I believe it is the idea that no matter what is happening to us, knowing that there is no problem too big for God and since He is with us, walking with us, guiding us, then we can rejoice. God is our provider. We need to give him all our burdens. If we lack wisdom, we can ask Him. He had given us His Word as a manual for us to use so we will be guided on how to live our lives triumphantly. This is Jesus’ will for us because only by faith and trust in him we can rejoice in any circumstances and be victorious.
Let us be those persons that cause happiness wherever we go and let us be missed when we leave.
If we are going to have a goal in life, let it be JOY. Be full of joy. Seek and find joy in small things in life. Seek the joy within that comes in God’s presence. We need of course to choose the practices and activities that enrich our lives with joy. Decide to have a joy plan and implement that plan to do so. Doing those things changes our attitude in the long run.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it is about learning to dance in the rain” Vivian Greene.
“Repeat every day: This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
A good reminder: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition. With thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
I/you need to spend time regularly in God and prayer, just talking to Him about everything, and with thanksgiving, I believe we will experience peace.
And come to think of it, spending time with God is not only on your knees, but it can be everywhere. We can talk to God anywhere, anytime, and everywhere.
Prayer: Thank You so much Oh God. You really want us to be joyful and thankful. You really loved us. It delights Your heart when we seek happiness from You and You made all things so that we can enjoy them, The beauty of nature, flowers that bloom, never-ending changing colors in the sky. Your hand painting.
In the loss of loved ones Father, we can choose to be joyful knowing that they have it better with you. If a door closes for us, we can be joyful because you have a better door to open. If we get sick….Lord, we can entrust our lives in you. Thank You for the comfort in difficult times and new hope from Your Word daily. I am forever grateful. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
God dag til deg fra ” Happy Castle.” Happy smiler så mye i dag fordi sola skinner og i tillegg er det ikke mange timer igjen før jeg treffer min datter og barnebarn fra Filippinene. 60-års gaver på etterskudd:)
Og når vi snakker om gaver….fikk jeg jeg meg mer gaver dagen etter min bursdag levert på trappen.
Denne er fra en gammeltante av min mann. Snill hun er.